摘要: | 隨著醫學科技的提升,身心障礙者人數比例逐年成長;當家中有身心障礙患者時,也讓一個家庭需要面對更多無情的壓力,而往往成為倫理悲劇的導火線;同時,也造成社會、家庭甚至醫院其醫療負擔日趨沉重和照護人力不足的問題。其中身心障礙者以肢體障礙者比例為最高,對於肢體障礙患者,其又分為上肢、下肢與軀幹三部份;上肢肢體障礙患者,直接影響的便是手部功能障礙,而下肢或軀幹多少也間接影響了手部伸展的功能,因此,本研究希望針對手部功能有障礙患者,藉由應用智慧居家概念建構一遠距健康監測系統,其中整合了手部虛擬復健、健康監測、網際網路資料傳輸與安全監測等功能系統,為以上困境提供一個更好且方便的解決之道。 本研究利用Visual Basic 6.0結合虛擬實境技術,開發一遠距健康監測與復健系統。利用一般資通訊科技結合網際網路,將相關醫療復健服務整合應用於居家生活中,其主要包括了以下系統:1.健康監測系統:監測受測者之生理資料,如:心跳速率等,記錄受測者生理資訊以了解其身體狀況。2.復健系統:操作復健療程時,即時監測受測者之操作,並作影音記錄以供醫師日後評估。於虛擬場景中根據指示操作復健療程時,系統立即記錄數位手套動作之數據資料。3.資料系統:受測者操作復健療程時,對受測者之生理監測資料存取;且之後醫師可透過伺服端之身分辨識系統,利用檔案傳輸功能做資料下載與上傳動作。4.安全系統:具有患者日常生活之影音監測記錄的功能。 最後以正常人作系統實際測試評估,得知本復健整合系統對於手部復健部分是有幫助的,並透過相關專業人員對此系統作一滿意度調查評估,系統未來可適用身心障礙者並應用於居家環境,且提供系統發展建議以提升系統之適用性與擴充性,期能應用於居家生活。 With the improvement of medical technology, the proportion of disabled persons is raised year by year. It causes more pressure which the family has to bear and usually becomes the tragedy of family when there is one disabled person in the family. Meanwhile, high proportion of disabled persons makes the load of social security, the family, and the hospital more heavy and at the same time, the manpower of nursing insufficient. Among the proportion of disabled persons, the ratio of disabled persons of limbs is the highest. Disabled persons of limbs are divided into three parts: the upper limbs, the lower limbs, and the body. Disabled persons of upper limbs are affected directly by the obstacle of capability of hands, and disabled persons of lower limbs or the body are affected indirectly by the stretch of capability of hands. Thus, in this paper, we hope to develop an internet-based telehealth and telerehabilitation monitoring system for disabled persons of limbs to supply the solution to the above-mentioned difficulties. In this paper, we utilize Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 with combining virtual reality to develop an internet-based telehealth and telerehabilitation monitoring system. This system consists of the health-monitoring system to record the disabled persons of limbs’ physiological data, and rehabilitation system to record the disabled persons of limbs’ real-time video and the data of operation, and data management system to manage the disabled persons of limbs’ data like: physiological data, data of operation, and real-time video, and finally, security system to monitor disabled persons of limbs’ daily life. Therefore, through the internet-based telehealth and telerehabilitation monitoring system is tested by normal persons and evaluated by the experts to supply the advices about the adaptivity and expansion of the system, our system is helpful to the rehabilitation of disabled persons of limbs’ by normal persons’ test, and can be applied to their homes of the disabled persons by the experts’ advices. |