二維醫學影像重建為三維模型的技術,除了能幫助醫生對病症診斷的正確性,若重建的網格模型具相當的準確性,在工程上該技術將可應用在人工關節的設計、齒顎關節矯正或顱顏缺陷的修補等 。本研究主要為開發一套可讀取序列式的DICOM醫學影像檔案之醫學影像平台,該平台除了具有二維影像顯示的基本功能,本研究也將針對序列式的CT影像,發展對於骨頭影像可自動化擷取其輪廓資料,最後可輸出點資料,而該點資料即可供後續發展三維網格的重建技術。 The technology of reconstructing 3D model from 2D medical images can effectively improve the method of diseases diagnosis. If the accuracy of the 3D model is up to some extent, this technology can be applied for design of joint prosthesis, the orthodontic treatment and the neoplasty of face malformation. The purpose of this research is to develop a software platform which can immediately extract the medical images in digital DICOM archives and deal with those images with a variety of techniques. This research also develops the algorithm which can automatically retrieve the contours of bone images and output those points in appropriate order. Eventually, the results of this research can by employed for the reconstruction of 3D models in the future.