鋁合金具有重量輕、強度高、抗腐蝕性良好的特性,加上近年來,汽車與航空業發展追求結構輕量化,此外,3C產業包括個人電腦、通訊產品、及消費性電子必需具備良好的機械性質、美觀、高比強度(強度/比重)、可表面處理等要求,因此,鋁合金之應用範圍十分廣泛。 摩擦攪拌銲接(Friction stir welding)為固態接合方式,常應用鋁合金與其他低熔點金屬,摩擦攪拌銲接後可得到較強的銲道強度,且殘留應力小,不易產生傳統銲接製程所造成扭曲的缺點。 本研究配合光學顯微鏡(OM)、背向電子繞射(EBSD)、穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM)觀察微結構改變。並以銲接能量的觀點,說明在鋁合金經由摩擦攪拌製程後,其動態再結晶與鋁合金陽極處理後品質的關係。觀察在不同的參數下,是否會產生不均勻色澤(irregular color)的AAO皮膜,並探討AAO皮膜與微結構之間的關係。本實驗結合摩擦攪拌製程與陽極皮膜處理(Anodizing),研究AA5052-O鋁合金在不同轉速與銲接速度下進行摩擦攪拌製程,並配合三種不同的冷卻條件,探討微結構對鋁合金陽極處理品質的影響。結果顯示隨著銲接能量的增高,不均勻色澤AAO皮膜明顯沿著銲道底部沿著熱機影響區往上分佈,所以要在表層避免不規則色差的現象必須減少銲接能量的輸入。 Aluminum alloys have characters of lightweight and excellent corrosion resistance. Besides, cars and aircrafts are developed to lightweight structure in recent year. The 3C industries, computers, communications and consumer electronics need to have superiorities of strength, good mechanical property, beautiful appearance and high strength ratio (strength /specific weight). It needs to have multi-surface-treatment character and has wide application. Friction stir welding(FSW) is a solid state joint technique. It wide applied in aluminum alloys and low melting temperature material. It can get stronger weld line, low residual stress and low distortion. In present study, the AAO films formed on AA5052-O surface that affected by friction stirring parameter. (include rotating speed, feed, tile angle…etc ) The microstructure were analyzed by OM(optical microscope), EBSD(electron back scattering diffraction), TEM(transmission electron microscope). As the result, quality of AAO films was affected by the heat input of FSW and dynamic recrystallization of matrix. Irregular AAO color occurred on Al-Mg alloy during anodization process. The high welding energy produces higher dynamic recrystallization ability. It is assumed that the irregular color is promoted by the recrystallization as the result of the higher welding energy. The improvement in irregular AAO color of Al-Mg alloy by decrease the rotating speed and increase the feed of tip in the friction stir welding.