生物處理廢水中氮與磷,具有經濟、可靠及效率等優點,遂成為近年來廢污水處理研究之重點;生物去除營養鹽之機制由數個參數所控制,包括硝化時碳源水準之控制、磷之於厭氧狀態下釋出之環境影響因子、缺氧環境下脫硝作用發生時之碳氮比……等,傳統之活性污泥系統中尤不易達成去除氮、磷之目的。 本研究乃針對同時去除氮、磷程序,提出符合能源使用效率及操作方便之新程序,並進行一系列之模型廠與批次實驗,探討微生物脫氮除磷之代謝行為與處理程序之反應特性。 研究顯示此一新程序(AOAO Process)處理水中營養鹽,其有機碳去除率可維持可維持在95%~98%,磷去除率則均接近100%,硝化能力良好,如以總氮去除率衡量之,在搭配階梯式進流方式下,於進流比7:3時,約為78%。 關於脫硝與除磷作用,當水體中有充足之有機物時,脫硝與釋磷作用將展現出動力上之競爭特性,但當有機物耗盡時,微生物會同時展現脫硝與攝磷作用。 微生物處於厭氧狀態下之釋磷作用,依水體中之有機物濃度之增高而有增高趨勢,但仍有其上限,研究顯示,釋磷濃度約為30mg/l,但此狀況並非一定,釋磷不完全下,仍可有良好之攝磷結果,顯見釋磷攝磷之間仍有操作空間。 PHAs之分析結果,顯現出微生物釋磷/攝磷反應與PHAs之累積/消耗展現出一致性,直接反應出微生物藉由聚磷酸鹽斷鍵獲得能量,攝取水中有機物加以儲存之關係,本研究所得,可用以描述微生物缺氧脫硝釋磷與攝磷之代謝行為。 Biological nutrient removal process is feasible method for removing organic substrate from wastewater. Using organisms to eliminate nutrient is controlled by several factors, such as the control of origin organic carbon concentration in nitrification、environmental factors、C/N ratio, etc .It is difficult to eliminate nutrient to in a convention activated sludge process. This research is proposing a new process containing anaerobic/oxide/anoxic/oxide, that can fulfilling the goal of demand and efficient energy. The characteristics of organism in removing nitrogen and phosphorus by conducting series experiments, some results can be achieved. The nutrient removal rates in this process (AOAO process) are 95% to 98% in organic carbon while phosphorus at nearly 100% and total nitrogen 78% with wisestep feeding. The available organic substrate determines that the kinetic behaviors of phosphorus release/uptake and denitrification. The simultaneous phosphorus release and denitrification demonstrate a kinetic competition under anoxic condition in the presence of an available organic substrate, and after consumed organic denitrification and uptake phosphorus will proceed. The analyzing polydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) reveals that phosphorus release/uptake are closely related to PHAs accumulation/consumption. This result shows that the relation between organisms to get energy by decompose poly-phosphorus and absorbing、storing organic in biomass. The result of this research can describe the metabolic behavior of organisms.