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    顯示項目126-150 / 189. (共8頁)
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    2011-06-30 生地化反應數值模式 – BIOGEOCHEM 互動式圖形使用者介面的開發與應用 ; Development and Application of the Graphic User Interface for the Biogeochemical Numerical Model - BIOGEOCHEM 張家銘; Chia-ming Chang
    2011-01-18 藉由莫拉克颱風及西南氣流個案探討雲微物理參數化法模擬雷達回波結果之比較; Influence of microphysics schemes on radar reflectivity: Typhoon Morakot and a case during SoWMEX/TiMREX 陳怡彣; Yu-wen Chen
    2010-08-27 懸浮微粒數量濃度對梅雨鋒面降水影響之敏感度研究 ; The sensitivity study of the effect of number concentrations of CCN on Mei-Yu frontal rainfall 陳文彬; Wen-bin Chen
    2010-07-28 應用土壤水分變化推估常綠闊葉林蒸發散量 ; Estimating the Evapotranspiration of Evergreen Broad-Leaf Forest Using Soil Moisture Variations 張雁婷; Yan-ting Zhang
    2010-07-22 利用SPOT衛星影像探討蘭陽溪口淡水舌之時空變化 ; Satellite-observed temporal and spatial variability of the Lanyang River plume 沈文誠; Wen-Cheng Shen
    2010-07-21 淡水河口之顆粒性有機碳、氮同位素及溶解性無機氮同位素之研究 ; A Study of Particulate Organic Carbon and Nitrogen and Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen and Their Isotopic compositions in the Danshuei Estuary 鄭峻翔; Chun-Shiang Cheng
    2010-07-06 土地利用改變對集水區河川逕流的影響: 以蘭陽溪流域為例 ; The Impact of Land-Use Change on the Watershed Runoff: Lan-Yang River Catchment as an Example 吳友詩; Yu-shih Wu
    2010-06-29 西北太平洋長期波候變遷之研究 ; A Study on wave climate variation in Tropical North Western Pacific 王韻圓; Yun-Yuan Wang
    2009-07-07 大甲溪流域上游集水區極端降雨事件之雨型分析與水文模擬; Rainfall pattern analysis and hydrological simulation of Dajia River upstream watershed under severe weather condition 劉承翰; Cheng-Han Liu
    2009-07-06 南海時間序列測站(SEATS)碳循環之探討:一維物理-生地化耦合模式之應用; Carbon cycling at the South-East Asian Time-series Study (SEATS) site : application of a one-dimensional coupled physical-biogeochemical model 謝馥揚; Fu-yang Hsieh
    2009-07-03 海嘯逆推方法之研發及其於2006 年屏東地震之應用;+C3481The development of tsunami inverse method and the application to the 2006 Ping-Tung earthquake 何東政; Dongjheng He
    2009-07-02 雙向流固耦合移動邊界法發展及其於山崩海嘯之研究; Developing a Two-way Coupled of Moving Solid Method for Solving Landslide Generated Tsunamis 莊美惠; Mei-hui Chuang
    2009-07-01 三維海嘯湧潮對近岸結構物之影響; Analysis on the 3D bores and their interaction with structures 魏妙珊; Miao-Shan Wei
    2009-06-26 改良GWLF模式應用於翡翠水庫入流量模擬; Modification of the GWLF Model to Simulate the Feitsui Reservoir Inflow 林思達; Szu-ta Lin
    2009-06-26 淡水河流域水文時空變異分析; Analyses of Temporal and Spatial Hydrological Variations in the Tamsui River Basin 許東鳴; Dong- ming Syu
    2009-06-19 雷達推估降雨於石門水庫霞雲集水區之流量模擬研究; River-Runoff Simulations over the Xia-Yun Watershed Using Four Radar-Estimated Rainfall Algorithms 方裕仁; Yu-Ren Fang
    2008-07-09 呂宋海峽內潮及其強化生地化通量之數值研究; Numerical study of internal tides in the Luzon Strait and its influence on biogeochemical fluxes 丁錡樺; Chi-hua Ting
    2008-07-07 應用通量變異法與渦流相關法推估地表通量; Applying the flux variance method and the eddy covariance method to estimate surface fluxes 袁一夫; Yi-fu Yuan
    2008-06-11 馬尼拉海溝地震引發海嘯的潛勢分析; Analysis of the Potential Tsunami Generated by the Earthquakes along the Manila Sub-duction Zone 黃惠絹; Huei-Jyuan Huang
    2008-06-11 地形降水對於環境條件與地形特性之敏感度測試:3維理想地形模擬研究; The Sensitivity of Orographic Precipitation to Ambeint Conditions and Terrain High: An Idealized Three-Dimensional Modeling study 林宥丞; You-Cheng Lin
    2008-06-10 2005年台灣地區季節性降雨之特徵及颱風事件之逕流模擬; The Seasonal Rainfall Characteristics over Taiwan in 2005 and the River-Runoff simulations by Three Typhoon-Induced Heavy Rainfall events 傅佑瑜; Yu-yu Fu
    2008-06-04 氣候變遷對水庫集水區入流量之衝擊評估-以石門水庫集水區為例; Evaluate the Climate Change Impact on the Inflows of the Shihmen Reservoir 張廷暐; Ting-Wing Chang
    2008-05-28 評估NOAH陸地過程模式在石門水庫集水區模擬之水文循環過程; Evaluation simulated hydrological processes of NOAH land surface model applied to Shi-Men reservoir watershed 蘇紹昆; Shao-kun Su
    2008-01-04 2006年屏東外海地震引發海嘯的數值模擬探討; A Numerical Study on the Tsunami Generated by the Ping-Tung Submarine Earthquakes 陳韻如; Yun-Ju Chen
    2008-01-03 分散式逕流模式應用於石門水庫極端降雨事件之模擬 李煜欽; Yu-Chin Lee

    顯示項目126-150 / 189. (共8頁)
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