水中常見的溶解性有機質,包括腐植酸與黃酸,一直是研究水中消毒副產物形成潛能的重點;自然界水中除了溶解性有機物外,另一影響DBPs形成的重要因子為濁度物質。構成原水中的濁度物質裡,黏土是主要的組成成份,其表面具有催化能力,可促進非生物性反應之進行。 本研究主要藉由含不同組成、數目、位置之OH與COOH官能基的有機物作為前驅物,以含不同交換性陽離子之黏土進行一系列的氯催化反應研究,釐清溶解性有機物與黏土於氯化反應上的反應機制與主要影響因子。 研究結果顯示:反應物本身的性質是影響催化反應的主因,催化劑本身的性質亦是造成生成揮發性DBPs產量不同的因素之一;反應物性質中以含OH官能基有機物有較大的DBPs生成潛能,催化劑則以錳-蒙特石的催化效果最為顯著。不同催化介質所參與的氯化反應,其生成的物種會有所不同,能力亦互異;於含過渡金屬黏土之系統中,以錳-蒙特石催化能力最強;在含鐵陽離子催化劑中,則以鐵-蒙特石催化效果最好。過渡金屬陽離子黏土催化有機物氯化反應後,其生成物種以氯仿最明顯;不同官能基有機物有不同的物種分布,顯示有機物本身的性質將左右催化反應。 To study disinfection by-products formation potential (DBPFP) in water purification system, dissolving organic compounds (DOCs) including humic acid and fulvic acid have recently gained added importance because of the need to determine DOCs reactivity with disinfecting agents. In addition to DOCs, turbility matter is the other important factor to affect the DBPs formation. In this study, the influences of surface characteristics of clays on organic compounds chlorination in drinking water purification processes were investigated. The characteristics of organic compound and clay affect the amount and species of DBPs on chlorination. Regardless of with and without catalyzer, organic compounds with OH functional group formed a larger number of DBPs than that with COOH functional group. On the other hand, these organic compounds inherent properties played an important role in catalytic reaction on chlorination. Transition –metal clays were obtained from exchanging the original cations of Ca2+-montmorillonites by Ti4+ , Fe3+ , Mn2+ , and Cu2+ cations. The obtained data demonstrated the wide diversities of metal-clay complexes for the catalysis of DBPs. The species and amount of DBPs in metal-clay are much more than the nonmetal-clay on chlorination in water, especially for the Mn2+-montmorillonites. The amount of transition-metal (Fe3+) in catalyzer was also measured. The results showed that the content of transition-metal was not a significant factor to catalyze chlorination reaction. The reactivity of clay and the physics-chemical properties of organic compounds are dominated catalytic reaction on chlorination in water.