近年來,職業安全衛生在各產業中的重要性與日俱增。在職業安全領域中,安全績效指標的應用成為一項最重要的安全衛生績效管理工具。安全績效指標可以分為主動性與被動性安全指標,主動性安全指標用於主動監測安全衛生系統,而被動性安全指標則用於被動監控。但在監測過程中,使用被動性式安全指標的主要缺點為著重事後控管、具有反應措施延遲與資料來源的偏頗。因而組織進行安全績效量測時會配合主動性安全指標的使用,但主動性安全指標的主要缺點為發展過程發散使得數量過多,以及研擬指標時過於主觀等問題。為此,本研究提出整合性的安全績效指標彌補以上兩個安全績效指標的缺點,同時也整合OHSAS 18001法規的要求、HSG (65) 的安全衛生成功管理法則,以及Health Safety Executive提出的安全績效指標等項目進行論述與作為本研究核心理論。 此外,本研究也考慮安全文化與安全績效指標間的相互影響關係,連結改善安全文化五個階段與發展主動性績效指標三個層級,並藉由PDCA管理循環與IPO程序架構來建立整合性安全績效指標的回饋循環程序,以達到持續改善的目標。本研究發現,在一個組織內不能單純只使用主動性或是被動性績效指標量測安全衛生系統績效。本研究將藉由水平與垂直整合的概念發展一套更全面更適用於量測各產業、各層級與各部門的整合性安全績效指標,最後建構一個安全績效量測系統與回饋改善程序,以期能達到有效監控管理安全衛生管理系統,與持續改善的機制。 未來研究將著重於探討更多的績效指標以使目前研究成果更加完備,並將本研究建構之系統藉由實際案例研究加以應用與驗證,希望能更加強現有安全衛生績效量測的精確性及有效性。 The systems approach for occupational health and safety management has gained worldwide acceptance since the introduction of OHSAS 18001 and ILO’s guidelines. Since most of the guidelines for health and safety management advocate continual improvement and accident prevention, performance indicators become one of the most critical tools to evaluate the effectiveness of such systems. In most practice, safety performance indicators are divided into two categories: leading and lagging. The major disadvantage of lagging performance indicators is the fact corrective actions can only be initiated after the occurrence of accidents or incidents. The disadvantage of leading performance indicators is their divergent nature, which might result in potential problems due to subjectivity. Hence this study proposes the use of integrated performance indicators to compensate for the disadvantages of both types of performance indicators. The theory of this study is based on the requirements of OHSAS 18001, successful health and safety management of HSG (65) and a guide for measuring health and safety performance proposed by UK’s HSE. In addition, this study considers the interrelationships between safety culture and safety performance indicators. Vertical and horizontal integration of safety performance indicators are also presented. Finally, based on the PDCA management cycle and the input-process-output framework, the safety performance management system and feedback process is proposed to achieve the goals of effective monitoring and continual improvement of occupational health and safety management. The proposed performance measurement process should be validated with either case studies or actual implementation. It is highly possible that additional performance indicators need to be explored since the final objective of performance measurement is to ensure the adequacy of the selected health and safety indicators.