摘 要 承攬商由於人員變動過大,且工作期程較短,安全文化的建立極為困難。承攬作業人員發生工安意外事故的絕大原因包括未經許可進入其他作業場所、未依規定使用個人防護、需要幫助時身旁無人即時協助、管理人員未能即時掌控現場狀況等等。目前施工現場的安全衛生管理,大多以能符合勞檢相關單位之檢查為主要目標,與落實工地安全衛生管理仍有距離。要落實工地安全文化必須強化檢查之功能,但強化檢查需要更多人力,如何加強工地檢查又能不增加人力,需要有更好的科技協助,因此本研究目的著重於無線射頻識別技術(RFID)導入於承攬勞工安全監控之適用性及安全裝置之開發。 主要的研究成果包括: (1) 建立以RFID為基礎的虛擬檢查員系統。當勞工在進行作業前先由RFID系統來替代檢查員,進行相關的檢查,核准後才可進行工作。此外勞工工作時,虛擬檢查員也可以隨時追蹤勞工工作動態及位置。(2) 成功的將被動式RFID與主動式RFID結合並且將系統無線化。(3)進行一系列的現場實證結顯示虛擬檢查員、區域定位、暈倒警報及求救警報等功能之成功率分別達94.6%、97.25%、98.1%、97.8%。顯示系統可以被實際的應用於營建工地。(4) 本研究設計之遞傳功能,可使勞工警訊以無線的方式傳遞至工地管理中心。 本研究完成開發承攬商之安全設備自動檢查及定位系統,未來經過系統穩定性及耐久度的測試,可運用於勞動場所之勞工或承攬商之作業管理及緊急救援等,提升事業單位對動態工作現場的即時監控及災害預防能力。目前系統之警報功能分暈倒自動警報以及求救主動警報,往後能朝更多警報功能的應用發展,使整套系統對勞工更具實質幫助。對於「求救及暈倒」警報系統可能發生之誤警報,如誤觸、彎腰、傾倒作業等之誤判,或系統未示警等部分,則需進一步加以研究以式系統更趨完整。 Abstract Unlike regular employee, contract workers are often at high risk in their working environments. Statistically, about 53% of serious accidents in work places can be attributed to contract workers. This is mainly due to their unsafe behaviors, unauthorized enter prohibited area, and unfamiliar with their ever changing work assignments. This study exams the possibility of using RFID to create a virtual inspection system that may reduce fataities. The achievements of this research include: (1) A RFID based virtual inspector system that will automatically exame worker’s identity and safety conditions at work was developed and tested; (2) Wireless capability was added to both passive and active RFID system, and worked smoothly in the field. labor the status of safety device; (3) The wireless communication protocol, through testing, can satisfy requirement of RFID communication rate on construction site; (4) New safety device with active alarming equipped with RFID sensor set up in the safety harness provides not only personal protection but also real-time sensing and monitoring for management; (5) The location identification module can provide working route tracking and suit the condition of construction sites. This new technology will bring management in construction industry to higher stage after advanced testing of stability and longedity. Wire-less transition integrated with database would make it more efficient and accurate in this device. This new safety device can monitor safety condition of labors and contractors and provide securety and emergency control for dynamic and real-time working environment.