瀝青混凝土路面刨除料資源再利用,無論就環保、經濟及能源再利用等方面考量,再生瀝青混凝土應用有其相當之價值且刻不容緩,而都會區之運用更為時勢所趨。但因國內再生工法尚屬初發展階段,因不熟悉而自然地對其使用於現地產生疑懼,故本研究之目的即在儘量不變動傳統的發包策略與品質管制方法,而又能達到再生瀝青混凝土品質要求之前提下,提出都會區再生瀝青混凝土發包策略及品質查證之具體建議方案。 在不違反相關規定之原則下,本研究建議再生瀝青混凝土發包策略採用:1. 招標文件中訂明,承包商應具有與合格再生拌合廠訂定之合作契約方可承包。2.最有利標方式發包。3.建議各機關於工程預算編列時,選擇於單價分析中列入瀝青混凝土挖(刨)除料價值及再生成本並將瀝青混凝土挖(刨)除料價值另列收入項目等方式辦理。另對於再生瀝青混凝土之品質查證,本研究建議:1.應以承包商與材料供應商為品質控制之核心,並由監造單位全程監督品質管控過程,再配合品質抽查小組進行定期或不定期之抽查,以確保工程品質。2.為釐清品質責任,配合設計查核、駐廠、驗廠等步驟由承包商執行較為適當。3.驗收時除一般路面驗收程序外,應再佐以黏滯度試驗以檢驗刨除料添加之程度。4.再生瀝青混凝土之材料、設備、施工及檢驗等相關規定要求,應依循公共工程委員會所頒定之「再生瀝青混凝土施工綱要規範」,及本研究建議之查證規範。 Considering Economic and Environmental protection, the application of Recycle Asphalt Pavement (RAP) is the most important course for Department of Transportation. The technologies of RAP are not ripe for pavement engineering at Taiwan. A lot of engineers have no confidence to it. The objects of the study were focused on Tendering Procedure and Quality Control of RAP. The specific suggestions were expected to raise .in the study. According to interrelated specification and law decree, some suggestions were raised .the suggestions of Tendering Procedure are as followed. The best method of Tendering Procedure is Open and choice with the most benefits to RAP. The surplus value of RAP and the charge of dealing with RAP should be calculated into the total budget .The suggest of Quality control of RAP were seriously checking the mixture design, mechanizes of plant and the abilities of laboratory engineers. Entrepreneur should supervise the plant. The department of transportation should audit them on schedule. The materials, plant, construction and test should be carried out with RAP Main specifications of Pubic Construction Commission and the suggestive specification of this study. 研究期間:9004 ~ 9009