摘要: | 計畫目標:本計畫即在於利用雷達影像之特性與優勢於台灣地區有關農業災害之監測與分析,不僅於災害發生時可提供空間資訊,即時掌握搶災之時機,更可於災後鑑定受災範圍,以協助政府達到有效之防救災工作。應用合成口徑雷達影像資料推估地表高程及地表位移之技術,並探討以此技術應用於臺灣地層下陷度量之可行性。就儀器度量特性而言,合成口徑雷達除可用以度量地表物之雷達截面積外,雷達回波之相位資料亦存在於成像過程中,而此相位則由地表物本身特性及度量距離等兩項因子所決定。故此,選擇度量方向一致而度量位置相近之兩組資料,來驗其回波相位差,假如地表物特性改變甚小時,我們即可除去地表物本身特性對相位之影響,進而獲致僅由度量距離差所產生之雷達干涉圖像。以此干涉圖像推求度量距離差,並進一步以同地區但不同時間之干涉圖像推估地表高程或地表位移即為本研究所欲探討之問題。 重要工作項目: (1) 利用衛載影像如ERS1/2 SAR資料對北台灣地區進行差分干涉,以研判北臺灣地區近年來是否有地層下陷之現象。 (2) 在衛載多偏極資料未取得之前,先由空載多偏極資料進行地物分類,及分類方法之評估。 (3) 雷達波在空中傳遞時,空氣中的水氣會有影響,在運用雷達資料與GPS資料於地表變動監測時,同時得考慮水氣之影響。 (4) 臺灣地區多雨多颱風,每每造成重大之生命財產之損失,但在惡劣的天氣之下,光學影像往往被天候雲霧所擋,無法獲取地表清楚之影像,此時只有雷達影像資料可以不受天候影響,由雷達資料可以即時獲得與監測受災面積與位置,進而進行災害強救及災害預防。 預期效益: (1) 建立雷達影像資料差分干涉處理技術於台灣地區地形變化之監測。 (2) 衛載雷達影多偏極資料獲取及研析。 (3) 結合台灣地區密集之GPS觀測網於衛星遙測雷達影像干涉處理技術,同時修正電離層與水氣影響,兼顧尖端研究與實用。 (4) 針對台灣特殊之地理與生態環境,利用多元雷達影像資料從事長期性、經常性、大範圍之資料蒐集與監測。This project performs differential INSAR of north Taiwan to detect the land subsidence, and using airborne POLSAR data for landcover classification. GPS data is also used to compared with the result of Differential INSAR, we also consider the inference of climate. A supervised neural classifier is applied in POLSAR data, the training data is selected according to the ground-truth from the field trip and assistance of base maps. ERS and Radarsat images are used in analysis the damaged area; at training stage, the input channels of neural classifier are the amplitude, coherence, and phase-difference data of training set; the output is the desired class. After training, the classifier performs classification of the whole data according to the well-trained neural network weighting. On the other hand, the evaluation of damaged area is performed via change-detection using coherence image. Meanwhile, the difference and ratio of SAR amplitude before- and after-disaster are also calculated for identification of damaged area. Finally, the results of landcover classification and damaged area evaluation are recorded and managed by geographic information system (GIS). The project is aimed at developing the ability of landcover classification by integration of multi-temporal single-polarized SAR and interferometric SAR (INSAR), also the ability of change-detection using coherence image of INSAR. It also evaluate the ability of detection of flooded-depth using INSAR. |