計畫目的為配合環保署發布的沙塵暴期間前後進行懸浮微粒、雲、霧水及降水的密集觀測,並比較期間前後成分特徵。另外研究大陸沙塵暴期間併發東南亞生質燃燒的懸浮微粒、雲、霧水及降水成分特徵,以及進行採樣時間該地點的氣塊軌跡分析,評估污染物可能的傳輸路徑與源區。針對前述研究結果提出大陸沙塵暴或東南亞生質燃燒對台灣空氣品質的衝擊,供作空氣品質管理決策參考。 Recently, the frequent occurrence of China's dust storm degraded Taiwan's air quality badly. This study is aimed at collecting aerosols, cloud and fog water, and wet precipitation intensively at Young-Min Mountain during the affecting period of China dust as claimed by the Environmental Protection Administration. The compositions of the collected samples are compared before and after the arriving of China dust. To understand the influence of biomass burning from Southeast Asia, a preliminary sampling is completed at Lu-Lin Mountain Astronomy Observatory. For data analysis, a forward air trajectory is adopted to infer pollutant transport path and source areas. Finally, an impact on Taiwan's air quality from China dust or from Southeast Asia's biomass burning will be assessed for decision making in future air quality management. 研究期間:9203 ~ 9212