本研究將延續前幾期之研究成果,以嘉南地區近一千四百公里公路路線為調查範圍,以建立省縣道公路之公路基本資料庫。在設備之使用上將以運研所提供之公路基本資料管理系統及外業調查相關設備,由本研究團隊自備調查車輛,並進行相關設備之架設與保管。本研究將以參與其他研究計畫之系統開發整合經驗,用以改善現行系統之操作缺失,擬改善之項目將著重在外業調查之工作,以里程計取代行車記錄器之距離記錄功能,並輔以GPS使用時因訊號薄弱、建築物或樹木遮蔽、行經隧道或地下道訊號中斷而造成里程距離量測之問題。對於公路基本設施及交管設施之調查,對於調查表格之填寫,則擬結合PDA與GPS以縮短調查作業時間,並減少後續資料鍵入之工作。本研究期能藉由實作經驗以提昇既有技術水準,並提供系統改善建議書與製作教育訓練多媒體網頁光碟。 This research follows the results of the previous studies, aims to establish a 1400 kilometers provincial and county highway inventory database in the area of Chia-Nan. The equipments to be used to investigate the highway management system are provided by the Institutes of Transportation, and are to be set up in the investigation van of our research team. Based on the research experiences of other studies, we will modify the current operation method, and focus on the modification of the road investigation procedure by using the mileage meter instead of tachometer in measuring distances, which also resolves problem of signal diminishing, and the shielding effect contributed by building, trees, and tunnels when using the GPS to assist measurements. As for the investigation of basic highway infrastructures and traffic control facilities, tools as PDA and GPS will be included to minimize the recording time. This research is expected to improve the current techniques by practical experiences, and provide a system improvement recommendation along with a multi-media training program. 研究期間:9303 ~ 9311