隨著國內經濟持續發展的需要,以及周圍東亞(日本、韓國、中國大陸)和東南亞國家追求經濟成長的趨勢,未來在能源(如石油、天然氣、有機物的燃燒),運輸(如車輛、飛機、船舶),工業(如石油、化學、造紙、鋼鐵)等的使用將會持續的增加。由此所伴隨而來的將是人為排放物的不斷成長,以及空氣污染情形更進一步的惡化和更經常的發生。空氣污染對人體健康構成直接的傷害,而且以長期的角度而言,大氣中人為排放物如氮化物、硫化物、氟化物、碳氫化合物等的長期累積,亦可能會間接或直接的導致人為的氣候變遷。因此,為因應國內及國際間目前和將來在人為排放物持續成長的趨勢,以及瞭解空氣污染形成的原因和過程,以及建立一套空氣污染物在時間和空間上的分析、模擬,以及預報的整合系統,我們迫切的需要及早開發一套可信且能被國際認定的台灣地區大氣環境整合模擬系統,以提供政府及研究機構作為將來遇到與環境污染有關議題的重要評估依據。在本年的計畫裡,我們將使用先前開發的大氣環境整合模擬系統RAEMS 進行台灣地區與空氣污染有關問題的研究。 Development of a regional atmospheric environment modeling system (RAEMS) and its application in environmental change assessment over Taiwan area air pollution is a continuing threat to human health and in the longer term promotes man induced climate change. The ability to accurately predict future air pollution levels on a range of time scales has large economic benefits to agriculture, water resources, industry, and public healthcare. Regulation and control of anthropogenic emissions to the atmosphere is vital in maintaining a sustainable environment. These regulations govern long-term investment plans for many industries, with major commercial implications. Objective and credible scientific underpinning of the regulation process is of the highest economic priority. In this project we propose to continue the development of an integrated regional atmospheric environment modeling system (RAEMS) , and its application to the scientific assessment of t he air pollution problems and its related issues over the Taiwan area. 研究期間:9308 ~ 9407