在『發展並建立0~36 小時梅雨季豪大雨預報技術』之總體目標下,本子計畫之主要研究工作在於整合各個子計畫之研究成果與發展技術,完成建立『梅雨季豪大雨定量降雨估計與預報之雛形系統』,並透過預報實驗進行校驗評估。 Aiming at the main target of 「The Development and Establishment of 0~36hr Severe Rainfall Forecast Technology During the Mei-Yu Season」, the major task of this sub-project is to compile and integrate the forecast technologies developed by all other sub-projects, and further establish an embryo system for the quantitative precipitation estimation and forecast of the severe rainfall during the Mei-Yu season. The performance of this forecast system will be verified and evaluated by conducting forecast experiments. 研究期間:9308 ~ 9407