摘要: | 近幾年來,因為觀測技術進步及天文學家的努力,大量的系外行星系統被發現, 許多關於這些天體的動力學研究因此而展開。這些行星的軌道具有許多有趣且讓人驚訝的特徵, 例如:高曲率,特短週期,共振軌道等。另一方面,有些系外行星系統也具有類似太陽系的性質,特別的是,有系外行星系統被偵測到具有像小行星帶或古柏帶的帶狀結構。在此研究計畫中,我們將: (A) 研究系外行星系統軌道之來由及他們在帶狀結構的影響下演化的過程, (B) 並把此類計算應用到太陽系中之小行星帶及古柏帶附近的天體演化, (C) 最後並進一步研究行星系統以及褐矮星形成的過程。 In the recent years, the number of discovered extra-solar planets is increasing quickly due to astronomer's observational effort and therefore the interest in dynamical study in this field has been renewed. These planets exhibit many interesting and surprising features: high-eccentricity orbits, extremely short-period orbits and mean-motion resonances etc. On the other hand, those extra-solar planets with properties similar to the Solar System planets are also detected. Particularly, some of them are claimed to have discs around these systems. In this proposal, (A) we plan to study the orbital origins and evolution processes of these extra-solar planets under the interaction of the belt-like structure. (B) We will also use these calculations to study the dynamical properties and evolution of planetesimals and planets around the Asteroid Belt and Kuiper Belt for the Solar System. (C) Finally, we will also try to model the formation processes of planets and brown dwarfs. 研究期間:9308 ~ 9407 |