隨人類文明逐日進展,地球面臨資源日益匱乏之問題,「永續發展」已成為國際環保工作重要共識。近年來社會經濟與都市高度發展,國內由於諸多問題互相影響,導致建築資源未能有效利用。基於前述目標,本計畫冀望發展「工程技術服務業於規劃設計資源再利用方面之獎勵優惠辦法」評鑑項目指標、評鑑作業程序。本研究範圍以國內工程技術顧問服務業為主要研究對象,包含臺閩地區諸多登記有案之廠商。研究方法包含蒐集國內外資源再利用相關之法令、現況,作綜合分析、比較後對照其不同處,討論國內施行可行性,最終提出優良資源再生利用技術服務業之具體獎勵辦法。 Sustainable construction has been one of the most important issues as to development of a country. Due to highly developed economic and society of Taiwan, it is desired to accomplish the sustainable construction green concept in the construction industry by implementations of promoting resource recycle in the design phase conducted within construction consulting business. Based on the current legal system, laws for promoting construction companies using recycle materials and concepts have brought into practice for years instead of construction consultant business. The purpose of this study is to propose suggestions as the foundation of the recycling-oriented promoting act for the construction consultant business. Collecting related acts and literature from homeland as well as other well developed countries that have practiced acceptably in this field was essential to all aspects in this study, followed by in-depth analysis and comparison of possible alternatives. Finally integrated expertise and advantage features of the alternatives led to build up suggestions. 研究期間:9404 ~ 9411