福爾摩沙衛星二號FORMOSAT-2 (以下簡稱福衛二號) 已於二○○四年五月二十一日順利發射成功,主要任務之一為地表資源遙測,近即時資料之蒐集,本計畫係延續先前建置的作業型影像接收與處理系統,加以調校測試,使影像達到最佳品質,作為福衛二號遙測影像的分送中心及國家太空中心(NSPO)處理系統之完全備份與交叉驗證,及時提供福衛二號高解析度的遙測影像給相關機構使用,達成福衛二號之主要任務。本接收儲存處理系統IAPS(Ingest, Archive and Processing System)主要的功能包括:資料接收與儲存、影像編目(Image Inventory)、目錄更新與查詢(Catalog Update and Query)、影像系統輻射校正 1A產品等。 The FORMOSAT-2 Satellite was launched on May 21,2004. One of the main mission of FORMOSAT-2 program is for Earth remote sensing and for near real time data acquisition. This extended project is based on the setup operational ingestion and processing system to adjust for the better quality of image product, which can be fully backup and validation of NSPO's (National SPace Organization) system, to provide the high resolution images to users in time and complete the mission of FORMOSAT-2. The major functionalities of IAPS (Ingest, Archive and Processing System) include data ingestion and archiving, image inventory, catalog update and query, and system radiometric correction production. 研究期間:9403 ~ 9412