Abstract: | 本研究內容主要區分為四個研究子題:(1) 探討ALMT對鋼筋和混凝土性質的影響;(2) 分析ALMT阻抗劇增的原因,及研究抑制策略;(3) 評估試體長度對通電成效的影響;(4) 初步探討ALMT實務應用的可行性。 研究發現ALMT可稍增加混凝土的抗壓強度,和混凝土對鋼筋的握裹力。對以鋼筋作為陰極配合外加輔助陽極會造成鋼筋變脆,和增加在鋼筋周圍之Na+及K+濃度,可能惡化鋼筋周圍混凝土ASR的危害,但同時使用外加陰極和陽極鋼筋不接電時,ALMT對鋼筋的性質没有顯著的影響。ALMT應用時易發生系統阻抗劇增的現象,其原因是因為空氣中的CO2溶入陰極槽內形成CO32-,與混凝土內部之Ca2+互相結合,形成不溶解的碳酸鈣阻塞孔隙,因此有效的阻絕空氣溶入陰極槽內,定期更換陰極槽電解液,和在陰極槽內添加過量的氫氧化鈣以消耗溶入的CO2,均能有效防止系統阻抗劇增的現象發生。當採用不同試體長度之試體以定電流密度及定電壓進行控制電場時,以定電壓方式對離子傳輸成效較差。將來實務應用ALMT時,以陽離子均勻分佈的成效評估,用在混凝土表面外加平面型的電極,優於在混凝土內鑽洞置入棒狀的電極。 The scope of this research are: (1) investigate the influence of ALMT on the rebar and the bond strength between rebar and concrete; (2) ALMT system impedance to analyze the reasons, and research suppression strategy; (3) assessment of specimen length on the power effectiveness of the impact; (4) discussed ALMT feasibility of practical applications. Test result showed ALMT increased compressive strength of concrete, and the bond strength of steel. If the rebar was used as cathode will cause additional secondary rebar brittle and the increase in the steel around the Na+ and K+ concentration around reinforced concrete ASR may worsen the harm. ALMT applications occurred to dramatic increase in system impedance, the reason is because the CO2 in the air integrated into the formation of CO32-, and concrete in the calcium-binding, forming insoluble calcium carbonate block pores, effectively block air integration into the cathode tank, periodic replacement of the cathode electrolyte tank, and add calcium hydroxide of excessive to consumption the CO2 in the cathode tank, effectively prevent the dramatic increase in the occurrence of system impedance. When the specimens with different lengths of the constant voltage and the constant current. Use constant voltage mode of ion transport less effective. Assess ALMT the effectiveness of cationic uniform, used in the concrete surface along with planar electrodes, is better than drilling holes in concrete of the electrode rod. |