摘要: | 分包管理乃營造業垂直分工之主流,也是公司經營策略的重要一環,其中,營造公司與長期合作之分包商(班底)間之網路關係更是值得關注,但目前在此方面的研究並不足,實證分析亦相當缺乏。本研究結合前人之研究與相關理論,以半結構問卷深入訪談國內30家大型營造公司。藉由30個分包管理個案及統計分析,探討營造公司之分包策略之內涵及其中的影響因素,進而實證營造公司分包管理與公司經營管理間之關係,以提供改善營造業分包策略之方式,並為建構理論進行紮根工作。本研究有以下五點主要發現: 1. 分包策略之制定須考量三大因素,分別是:(1)採購成本,(2)交易成本,(3)創造價值。營造業分包管理策略之精髓在於追求採購成本與交易成本之極小化,並為公司創造最高之價值。 2. 目前國內分包體系所潛藏的最大不確定性有二:(1)分包市場透明度不足,工班與工人不易掌控;(2)部份包商公司經營體質薄弱,不穩定性高。這兩個不確定性為營造公司交易成本之主要來源,此為造就多數營造公司(90%)建立班底之初始動機。 3. 本研究發展出四個衡量班底之指標,分別為:班底數目、班底合作年數、班底合作年數比例、班底工作量比例。研究發現此四指標適合用於衡量班底特性,其中以班底合作年數及班底工作量比例兩指標與營造公司特性及經營績效較有關係。 4. 由相關分析發現營造公司營業額越高、生產力越高,班底結構會愈穩定。藉由個案整理,本研究亦得到充分之證據,可佐證良好之班底關係確實有助於提升營造公司在各價值活動,如業務取得、工務、財務、工法研發等方面之優勢,進而提高對外競爭力。另外,本研究亦發現班底特性與分包商之種類有關。 5. 本研究將分包管理策略之演進歸納為市場型交易、特定關係型交易、整合型交易之三種層次,與市場型、班底型、準策略聯盟型、策略聯盟型、垂直整合型之五種階段(後三者屬積極外包方式,稱為營造業之策略外包)。本研究除標出30個樣本所處之策略位置外,由變異數分析亦證實採策略外包方式之營造公司,其經營績效指標較未採策略外包之公司高,可見採積極之分包策略應有助於提升營造公司之競爭力。 On the trend of intensive outsourcing in construction industry, how to manage subcontractors, especially the core suppliers, is a crucial element in a contractor’s business strategy. Research in this area has been lacking and few existing research is based on solid field experience. This study examines in depth 30 main general contractors (all listed top 100) to reveal the content of subcontracting strategy. Four major themes are included in their outsourcing strategy: (1) the status of subcontracting; (2) the organizational types and processes of subcontracting; (3) the characteristics of core supply base; and (4) the shifting trend of subcontracting strategy. This study offers abundant information for industrial practitioners to comprehend the essence of outsourcing logistics. This study concludes that the contractor should consider three dimensions when implementing a subcontracting strategy, including: (1) the cost of subcontracting items, (2) the transaction cost, and (3) the added value. It further suggests that the contractor should carefully evaluate the added value which is created as a result of strategic settings. Additionally, four indices are given to characterize the a contractor’s core supply base. In quantitative terms, a contractor's characteristics and performance are significantly positively correlated with the characteristics of his core supply base. In qualitative terms, according to a case study, the core supply base is pivotal in improving the competitive advantage in most value-added activities in construction. Finally, subcontracting strategy is categorized into five types in this study, including: (1) market transaction, (2) pure core supply base, (3) quasi-strategic alliance, (4) strategic alliance, and (5) vertical integration. The contractor who carries out aggressive subcontracting strategies, i.e. Type III, IV and V, perform better than the one who remains in Type II. The finding of the study also suggests that the general contractor should regard his subcontractors more as a critical type of construction resource for the success of a project, rather than simply a cost item in running the business. |