近年來免費公車為各鄉鎮市或是某些行業會主動提供的服務,過去的研究多以一般市區公車為研究對象,並無針對免費公車進行乘客的滿意度評估。本研究將以台灣35個有提供免費公車的地區,進行影響乘客滿意度之分析。 本研究以1382 位來自35 個城市的乘客為例,以傳統的迴歸分析、結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)和階層線性模式(Hierarchical Linear Modeling, HLM),進行脈絡效果的分析。 研究數據指出,利用HLM 的脈絡效果模型可以證明脈絡變數與個體解釋變數之間的影響,也發現脈絡變數存在組間的差異。本研究最後以HLM 分析的結果發現只有該地區乘客平均的服務品質對於個體層次的變數有顯著弱化的解釋力,平均的知覺價值和滿意度,則對個體層次的變數無顯著解釋力。 Free bus services have become popular in recent years. However, unlike normal bus services, there has no study on the performance, particularly satisfaction of passengers, for free bus services. This research is aimed to address this important issue using both the traditional statistical analysis and hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) technique. Based on the 1382 questionnaires collected from 35 cities in Taiwan, the results verify that both individual variables and contextual variables have certain effects in HLM and the contextual variables in different groups are statistically different. We also observed that the average satisfaction quality of the passengers from a group would weaken the explanatory capability of individual variables in that group. Moreover, the average perceived value and satisfaction has shown no effect on the variables pertaining to the individual level.