為了因應未來電子產品輕薄短小的需求,三維晶片為極佳之解決方案,矽通孔在其中扮演了重要的角色,但缺乏可靠度相關資訊,同時於轉換製程中成本的支出也為問題之一,在本實驗中利用現有封裝製程使用之機器製作鋁(銅)-鎳混合導線於矽通孔內,並於100oC~350oC與5x105 A/cm2的電流密度下進行電遷移加速測試,並與同溫度下退火之試片進行比較。 在實驗中發現,每段矽通孔之鋁導線有著各自獨立但相同之結果,而100 oC與150 oC下通電之試片於通電50小時後電阻僅上升3%,200oC下通電之試片則上升11%,並可於陽極發現突起及陰極處發現孔洞,350oC下通電之試片於50小時內燒毀,而Al2Cu為標準實驗條件下唯一生成之化合物,鋁鎳的化合物僅於標準實驗條件外之極嚴苛狀況才會生成,若比較退火之試片與通電之試片可發現, Al2Cu會於陽極處有較明顯生成且尺寸較大,陰極處則反之,經由計算後發現於100oC~200oC下銅原子有效擴散係數約為10-13~10-14 cm2/s。 實驗中並利用模擬的方式對矽通孔底部轉角處進行電流密度分佈的分析,發現在Al2Cu生成後,可以將側壁上之鋁導線的電流有效分散至鎳導線,並可降低最大約40%的電流密度,此一發現對未來將導線製作於矽通孔下時之電流分佈提供良好之資訊。 For the demands of “slim and light” electronic devices, 3D-IC technique is the most important technique, and Through Silicon Via(TSV) is an important role in this technique. However, the information of reliability is rare. In this thesis, hybrid Al(Cu)-Ni conducting lines were tested at 100oC~350oC with various current densities. The results were in comparison with thermal annealed samples. In our results, the phenomena were the same in all the TSV segments. The resistances of 100oC and 150oC samples increased about 3% after current stressing. The resistance of 200oC sample increased about 11%. There were hillocks formed at anode and voids formed at cathode in each segment. The 350oC sample did not pass the test with the current density of 5x105 A/cm2. Al2Cu was the only type of compounds formed in the standard experimental conditions, and the Al-Ni compounds only formed in extreme testing conditions. The distribution of Al2Cu is different between samples with or without current. Large compounds formed at each anode side of the samples with current and fine compounds formed at each cathode side. The effective diffusion coefficient was calculated to be about 10-13~10-14 cm2/s at conditions of 100oC~200oC. Simulations were employed in this experiment to analyze the distribution of current densities at corners of bottom TSVs when compounds were formed. Al2Cu was found to disperse the current from Al lines to the Ni lines effectively and dramatically reduced the maximum current density about 40%. These observations would be helpful for manufacturer of interconnects with TSV process in the future.