本研究基礎建構於骨釘的結合能力研究內容上,依過去學者文獻眾多研究中使用有限元素分析方法為數不少,但當以位移控制或是結果取自特定位移量,給定之位移量卻存在極大範圍,從0.005mm到1.1mm間皆有採用。這問題不免使人想探究是否抗拉位移量有一定範圍,或是小量抗拉位移亦能預測往後足夠量之抗拉位移?不只侷限於脊椎骨釘類,欲綜觀位移對骨釘的影響,並延伸到探討有限元素分析之力學指標預測能力的效力。此論文目的在對有限元素分析往後研究者提供一個有效力的資訊,為確保模擬分析能更加符合真實並得到具有研究討論意義的結果。 選取一般常見骨釘類別有人工植牙釘、創傷類骨釘、椎弓足骨釘共十一隻,研究方法以問題為核心設計,為了嚴謹起見將規畫實驗測試與模擬分析兩部分,模擬分析遵循文獻方法使用有限元素分析,並擷取不同位移量之結果數值,將與實驗結果做對照之以驗證。實驗與數值分析結果顯示不同位移區間的趨勢並無一致性。再者,評定有限元素方法計算之結果包括第一主應力、von Mises應力、應變能與反作用力,由結果判定應變能為最能預估出實驗值變化且兼具穩定性高的一項指標。 To accomplish higher stability and lower engineering strength is major work of optimizing design for bone screws from an engineering point of view. This research content is based on implant-bone interface ability. Before studying the stability, it must to be quantified as measuring pull-out force by experiment. For reliability of a proper index, holding power is chosen in this study. According large number of past studies which used finite element analysis, there is large range of displacement given when displacement-controlled. So we want to figure out this question: will it predict well as a small displacement given? Provide information could promote accuracy of numerical analysis is the purpose of this study. To this, designs method parted to experiment and numerical analysis by eleven bone screws included dental implants, traumatic screws and pedicle screws. After let numerical analysis results compare to experiment, different pullout displacement intervals have no consist trend at all. And also wonder about which finite element analysis indexes would predict real best further like von-Mises stress, max principle stress, strain energy and reaction force. Finding out strain energy index has great projections and stability than others and will supply the important information for designers and researchers.