隨著生活型態的改變及醫學的進步,人類帄均壽命逐年延長,老年病患也隨之逐年增多,各種老人疾病漸趨增加,其中退化性膝關節炎就是明顯的例子,根據統計,帄均六十五歲以上的老人,每三人就有一人患有膝關節炎的疾病;在臨床治療方式有(1)退化性膝關節炎護膝輔具;(2)人工膝關節置換手術;而侵入式的外科手術會發生骨質溶解(osteolysis)和非細菌性引起的鬆脫(aseptic loosening)等併發症,而退化性膝關節炎護膝輔具好處在於不會有外科手術的併發症,且能改善退化性膝關節炎患者膝關節不正常的受力情形。 退化性膝關節炎護膝輔具目前主要的問題有(1)護膝輔具過於笨重;(2)護膝輔具矯正時的異物感;(3)病患的矯正程度需可調整。本研究針對目前退化性膝關節炎護膝輔具設計的缺點,設計單邊護膝輔具減輕重量、動態矯正角度機構移除步態擺盪期與坐姿時矯正的異物感、可調式矯正角度機構讓病患在站立期的矯正程度可調整,進一步改良退化性膝關節炎護膝輔具之設計。 依據動作模擬與有限元素分析、實際打樣成品的設計修改、實驗評估等,顯示本論文的設計是具可行性的。 Due to the changes of living style and the progress of the medical science, human beings’ average life is more and more prolonged. It brings out that elder patients are getting much more year by year. Many kinds of disease, which easily occurs to elders, are also getting raising. The most obvious example is the Osteoarthritis. According to the statistics, there are almost 33% elders around the age of 65 suffer from the Osteoarthritis. There are two clinical therapies for this disease, one is Knee Brace, and the other is Total Knee Replacement. However, Osteolysis and Aseptic Loosening would happen due to the incursive surgery such as Total Knee Replacement. Knee Brace will not cause any complications, and it can improve abnormal force endured at Patients’ knees. There are three main problems for the Knee Brace. First, Knee Brace is cumbersome. Second, Wearing Knee Brace is uncomfortable. Third, Knee Brace have to self-adjustability of valgus moment. In this study, the unilateral post Knee Brace, dynamic correction angle mechanism to reduce uncomfortable during swing phase and sit posture,adjustment correction angle mechanism to adjust valgus moment to solve the problems. According to dynamic simulation, finite-element simlation, prototype, exprimental test demonstrated the design has feasibly in this study.