骨釘與骨板為內固定手術中常使用的植入物,通常醫師必須在術中判斷合適的植入物大小與外形後以螺釘鎖入,固定於骨折部位,但當植入物原本的外形與骨折部位差異過大,則必須將植入物彎折至合適的外形後再進行固定。為了讓醫師能夠於術前得到足夠的輔助資訊,本研究擬發展電腦輔助骨盆手術規劃系統,而此系統架構可分為:(1)電腦斷層影像三維顯示,(2)破裂骨骼分離與三維網格模型重建,(3)破裂骨骼復位,(4)骨板安裝模擬,其中以破裂骨骼復位技術的發展為主,提供一自動與手動的方式進行破裂骨骼復位,並實際以數個骨盆資料進行重建與復位,說明本流程之可行性,期望藉由該復位功能的開發,能夠模擬植入物與骨組織的搭配情形,並提供相關的參考資料,讓醫師於手術前可以針對骨骼外形挑選合適的骨釘骨板等植入物。 Bone nail and bone plate are commonly used in pelvis surgery. In general, the doctor has to determine suitable implants during the surgery and adjust the shape of the plate so that it can be mounted on the broken bone appropriately. In this study, a computer aided preoperative system for the pelvis surgery is developed. It mainly contains the following features: (1) three-dimensional display of CT images, (2) segmentation of bone structures and generation of triangle meshes, (3) registration of broken bones, and (4) bone plate design and simulation. Registration of broken bones is particularly investigated in this study. An automatic registration algorithm and a manual registration algorithm are developed for the alignment of broken bones. The automatic approach is preferred when a reference bone is available. Otherwise, the manual approach is employed. Several examples are used to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method. With such a preoperative evaluation system, a three-dimensional preview of the fractured pelvis is feasible and a surgery planning by means of three-dimensional pelvic model can be performed.