觀光是世界上最大與成長最快速的產業之一。本文所要研究的問題,就是現實觀光產業所產生的倫理問題,企圖論述出觀光產業的倫理問題與規範,此倫理規範的實踐不論是對來此觀光的遊客、當地景點居民、觀光業者以及環境等都是有益的。經過研究現況之分析,觀光產業的倫理問題探究至今仍處於發展階段,過去的研究成果尚有以下兩個不足的地方:(1)在觀光產業倫理問題上缺乏系統的論述。(2)尚未展開觀光產業倫理問題的整合分析。本文的研究成果確立了觀光產業的倫理問題,總共有五大類12項,它們是:(一)觀光產業與環境:(1)觀光破壞自然環境的問題。(2)觀光破壞人文遺產的問題。(二)觀光產業與社區:(3)觀光利益分配不公平的問題。(4)觀光侵犯景點居民生計的問題。(5)觀光干擾景點居民生活的問題。(6)觀光製造髒亂與垃圾的問題。(7)觀光對景點文化傷害的問題。(三)觀光產業與觀光客:(8)觀光不公平交易的問題。(9)觀光欺騙遊客的問題。(10)觀光客安全的問題。(四)觀光產業與員工:(11)觀光產業侵犯員工權利的問題。(五)觀光產業與競爭者:(12)觀光產業壟斷的問題。本文的研究發現,要回應上述觀光產業的倫理問題,有三個方面的工作需要整合:(1)整合觀光產業經驗面的論述,包括觀光產業的發展、性質、倫理問題等。(2)除了對觀光產業進行倫理規範之外,也要整合觀光產業相關涉利者的倫理規範。(3)整合相關的倫理觀念以規範觀光產業與相關涉利者,包括價值、權利、公平、利益等。本文也針對觀光產業中的性觀光、博奕觀光與生態觀光等比較具有爭議的觀光產業進行倫理問題的分析與探究。 Tourism industry has rapidly grown as one of the biggest industry in the world. The study is focused on the ethical problems occurred in the tourism industry, the problems and regulations were fully discussed in this study. Implementing the code of ethics of tourism industry would benefit not only the tourists and the business, but the local residences and the environment. Through the analysis of current situations, we realized the study of ethical problems in the tourism industry is still developing. Previous studies are insufficient on the following two statements. Firstly, it lacks systematic theory of the ethical problems on the tourism industry. Secondly, the ethical ‘ought’ practice has not yet been developed efficiently. The results of the study verified twelve ethical problems on the tourism industry. They are described as follows: (1) Destruction of natural environment. (2) Destruction of human heritage. (3) The problem of profit distribution. (4) Influence on other businesses of the scenic areas. (5) Disturbance on local residences. (6) The problem of trash and pollution initiated by tourists. (7) Damage of local culture. (8) Unfair trading activities in tourism industry. (9) The problem of cheating tourists. (10) The problem of tourists' safety. (11) The problem of impairment employment rights and benefits. (12) The monopoly problem of the tourism industry. The study revealed that there is a strong need to integrate three aspects of mission to reflect the ethical problems illustrated above. First of all, there is a need to integrate the discussion on the practice of the tourism industry, such as the development and the characteristics of the tourism industry and the ethical problems. Moreover, the ethical regulation should be applied to the tourism industry as well as the associated industries. Nevertheless, the ethical beliefs should also be incorporated to regulate the tourism industry and the stakeholders and the discussion has to be accomplished on the issues of rights, values, fairness and benefits. Controversial issues were also analyzed and discussed allied to ethical concern in the study, such as sex tourism, gamble tourism, and ecotourism.