本論文之研究主題為以高功率白光LED為光源,設計兼具防眩與路照特性之矮柱式路燈。我們利用一維結構反射面來開發二款不同燈柱高度之矮柱式路燈。第一款為燈柱高度一公尺高之矮柱式路燈,我們完成其光學與機構設計,並實際開模與量測;且針對初版二次光學元件其光型上缺點加以改良以完成第二版二次光學元件。第二款燈柱高度為七十公分之矮柱式路燈,我們將利用一維結構來將光線向遠處投射做一初階設計,將光線更均勻散佈於目標上。 In this thesis, we apply the high-power LED to design two kinds of short street light with different height respectively, and both of them can prevent the glare. The height of first one is 1 meter high, we design a 1-D multi-reflective structure to spread the light on target, and also design the mechanical component for the lamp and measure the illumination on the target. The height of second one is 70 centimeters, we also use the multi-reflective structure to spread the light on target.