摘要: | 自從1970年代開始,性教育正式編入國民小學課程之後,政府便循序漸進的建立龐大的政府系統發展、發行推廣適切的教材,並督促這個系統中的教師及其他教育者、衛生局(所)之護士或其他在非營利組織工作(如大學或醫院等)之衛教專業人士落實性教育。但是事實面中,台灣國民小學的性教育實際上很大部份是由營益導向的廠商,如寶僑家品股份有限公司與台灣華歌爾股份有限公司所提供,因為這個教育部與衛生署規劃與執行的系統機制不但無法正常運作,且沒有什麼壓力要求任何人來改變這個情況。然而,本論文的目的不是批判性教育的體制,由於行政體系和經濟方面的因素,廠商贊助的性教育似乎會持續下去,在這個情況下,本論文的主要目的將要分析測定廠商贊助的國民小學性教育之優、缺點。 論文的前兩章將比較台灣公立小學系統中,性教育的表象與現實間極大的落差。在第一章中,會描述整體設計來提供性教育的系統與行政體制,如教育部明文規定的「兩性平等教育」政策。第二章中,會描述學校性教育的事實面,是筆者親自在六個月的田野調查期間,在台中與台北地區數個國民小學中,所觀察到的性教育實況,而這個階段還包括訪談衛生所的護士、學校行政人員、老師、學生及四位寶僑與華歌爾的廠商代表。 論文的第三章則致力於評估廠商所提供的國民小學性教育的成效,因此,筆者將描述與分析由華歌爾所提供的典型國小性教育講座,並邀請約五十名國立中央大學二年級的學生參與本講座,並在講座前後針對這些學生進行相關的問卷調查與一系列的座談討論,討論中對於如何改善公共系統中的性教育激盪出許多實際的建議。 Since the introduction of sex education into the primary school curriculum in the 1970s, the government has gradually established an extensive bureaucratic apparatus to develop and disseminate appropriate teaching materials and to see that sex education is provided by teachers and other educators within the system, nurses working for the Health Bureaus or by other health professionals employed with a non-profit organization such as a university or hospital. However, the reality of sex education in the Taiwan primary public schools is that it is actually provided, by and large, by profit-driven corporations such as P&G and Wacoal and for good reason: the system as it was designed and administered by the Ministry of Education and Department of Health is dysfunctional and there is little pressure from anyone to improve the situation. But the purpose of this study is not to cast blame on the sex education system. For bureaucratic and financial reasons, corporate-sponsored sex education appears to be here to stay. Given this situation, the question then is to determine how good a job the corporations are doing at providing sex education in the primary schools. That is the purpose of this thesis. In the first two chapters, I contrast the extraordinary disparities between appearance and reality of sex education in the Taiwan primary public school system. In Chapter One, I describe the genealogy and bureaucratic system designed to provide sex education as mandated by the Ministry of Education’s “Gender Equity education” policy. In Chapter Two, I describe the reality of sex education in the schools as observed first hand during a six-month field study of sex education conducted at various public primary schools in the Taichung and Taipei areas. This stage included interviews of Health Bureau nurses, school officials, teachers, students, and four corporate representatives of P&G and Wacoal corporations. In my third chapter, in an effort to assess the effectiveness of corporate sponsored sex education in the primary schools, I describe and analyze a typical primary school presentation by the Wacoal corporation as given to approximately fifty National Central University sophomore students, whom I subsequently surveyed and consulted in a series of roundtable discussions, from which emerged a number of practical suggestions for improving sex education in the public system. |