由於在2009年完成中壢30MHz與52MHz特高頻雷達同步觀測的系統設定,藉由此機會可同時使用30MHz及52MHz特高頻雷達觀測散塊E層5公尺及3公尺場沿不規則體。同時觀測的資料從2009年7月18日至26日,但本文處理及使用資料是從7月24至26日,針對3公尺或5公尺不規則體的回波頻譜特性或三維定位結果進行分析與統計。 同時觀測的結果,3公尺與5公尺回波頻譜特性為平均都普勒速度小且頻譜寬大的TypeII不規則體。3公尺的都普勒頻移(Hz)大於5公尺結構。3公尺與5公尺結構的都普勒速度大小是相近,可是隨高度增加時,速度變化趨勢相似,但3公尺速度比5公尺速度略大。三維定位結果,3公尺與5公尺結構大部分分佈於52MHz波束主軸的西邊,受到發射功率與天線面積等影響,在高度較高處,觀測到3公尺比5公尺結構的機率較大。3公尺與5公尺團狀結構的追蹤速度(Trace velocity)方向相同且速度接近。With newly established capability of simultaneous ionosphere measurement made with, a coordinated campaign of simultaneously measuring 5-m and 3-m scale in sporadic E (Es) region was made field-aligned irregularities (FAI). We use interferometer technique to locate three dimensional position s and structures of 3-m and 5-m irregularities in respective echoing regions. The echo power, mean Doppler velocity and spectrum width of the radar returns are also analyzed. It shows that the Doppler shift in unit Hz of 3-m structure is slightly larger than 5-m structure, and they are very close in unit of m/s. Interferometer result of three dimensional measurements show that the echoing regions of the 3-m and 5-m FAIs are not coincident with each other. The former are about 5km meat from the latter, which is consistent with the separation of the expected echoing regions between 30MHz and 52MHz radars. The trace velocities of 3-m and 5-m blob structures are also analyzed and the result shows that they are generally consistent with each other.