客家意象是一種移情的族群想像,即認為某些文化特質、生活習慣是屬於客家族群的;這種想像與認知,必定透過媒體的傳播,而在特定團體中形成類似的意象。本研究透過文獻分析發現,隨著時間和社會背景更迭,媒體對客家意象所呈現的範疇有其影響;但對於意象本質的描述,依舊不脫客家族群刻苦耐勞、勤勞節儉的美德,或硬頸和傳統保守的族群精神,以及吝嗇小氣和懦弱自卑等既定框架。 本研究進一步以客家電影「一八九五」為分析標的,藉由深度訪談和問卷調查,探究觀影者自電影媒介接收到的客家意象,其認知如何受到媒體框架影響。研究發現,觀影者對電影所傳遞出的刻苦耐勞、硬頸精神、愛國保族、飲水思源(敬天祭祖)和勤儉樸實的意象,有較為強烈的感知,與電影幕後推動者最初企圖所要呈現的意象為相呼應外,亦反映出媒體對族群的描述難以跳脫根深蒂固的傳統美德意象。而閱聽者對客家意象的詮釋和解讀狀況,依舊處於媒體框架的影響下,由此可瞭解,媒體的發展對當代台灣客家族群意象的形成實具有關鍵的影響力。Hakka image is a transference of ethnic group’s vision, which represents the Hakka ethnic group’s particular cultural characteristics and living habits; this vision and recognition must spread out through the media and form a similar image in some particular communities. With literature reviews and analysis, this study discovers that the media affects the presentation of Hakka image over the changes of time and social background. However, the description of essence of the image still in the category of Hakka ethnic group’s virtues such as hardworking, industriousness and frugality, or the traditional toughness, conservative mind, stingy and inferiority. Furthermore, this study uses the Hakka movie “Blue Brave— The Legend of Formosa in 1895” as its case study and analysis. With in-depth interview and survey questionnaire, this study discusses the Hakka image received from the movie viewers and how their recognitions are affected by the movie media. The study result discovers that the movie viewers have more intensive recognition on the images implied in the movie, including hardworking, toughness, patriotism, thrifty, sincere, and pay respect to ancestors; this not only in accordance with the implied images by the movie maker’s but also reflects the media’s description on Hakka ethnic group is still in the category of its traditional virtues. As the message receiver’s interpretation and understanding on Hakka image are still affected by the media frame, so we can conclude that the development of media has significant influence on the images of Taiwan’s Hakka ethnic group in the present day.