於無線通訊系統中,由於通道所造成之衰減會導致訊號失真,因此處理通道之效應已廣泛的被討論。本篇論文以常數模演算法為基礎之空時區塊編碼(Space-Time Block Code)多輸入多輸出(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output, MIMO)單載波頻率等化系統(Single-Carrier Frequency-Domain Equalization, SC-FDE)進行通道估測,於接收端使用一切換準則,此切換準則會根據目前通道特性於盲目(Blind)通道估測法與決策迴授(Decision Feedback)估測法之間作切換進行通道估測,進而增加系統效能。根據模擬結果顯示,在空時區區塊編碼多輸入多輸出單載波頻率等化系統下使用盲目通道估測法與決策迴授法之間作自動切換的方式會得到較僅使用盲目通道估測法或決策迴授法更佳的性能。The time-varying channel environment can lead to signal distortion in a wireless system, therefore, how to deal with the effects of a mobile channel has been widely studied. This thesis studies a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) constant modulus algorithm based semi-blind single-carrier frequency-domain equalizer (SC-FDE) system which adopts space-time block code (STBC) for MIMO channel equalization. At the receiver, an automatic switching scheme is applied based on the present channel status to switch the channel tracking algorithm between blind channel estimation and decision feedback estimation method in order to improve the system performance. From simulation results, we show that the switching method for channel estimation in the MIMO STBC SC-FDE system can gain better performance than that using only blind channel estimation method or decision feedback method.