摘要: | 學生的情緒會影響學習的動機、成效,所以能夠幫助學生處理他們的情緒是非常重 要的。但是目前數位學習環境往往著重於教學指令的設計和教材內容的傳遞,而忽略了 學生在學習期間中的情緒。而現在有越來越多研究將情緒因素加入到人機互動介面中。 研究指出同理心降低使用者在操作電腦上時遇到的像是生氣、挫折等的負面情緒,而幽 默能夠消除學生在學習時的產生的像是焦慮、壓力或是緊張等的負面情感。因此,本論 文設計一個有情緒互動機制的學習系統並使用具同理心及幽默虛擬人物來回應學生的 情緒,讓虛擬人依據學生的不同情緒給予不同的同理心及幽默回應,我們希望能藉此來 幫助學生提升他們的學習情緒,並增加他們的注意力及學習成效。而初步的實驗結果顯 示這種設計能改善學習者在學習中的情緒,並增進使用學習系統動機和意願。Students’ emotions in learning have a significant impact on motivation and learning outcomes. It is very important to help students to deal with their emotions. But current e-learning systems often lack many features of profound affection, and fail to provide suitable emotional interaction. There are more and more researches about affective Human-Computer interface. Existed studies indicate that empathy can reduce user’s negative emotions such anger, frustration which they encountered in using computers. And humor can decrease students’ negative emotions such anxiety, stress or tension in learning. Therefore, we want to design a virtual human that uses empathy and humor to respond to students’ emotional states. The virtual human can give different feedbacks according to students’ different emotional states. We hope the design can increase students’ motivation, attention and outcome in learning. The preliminary experimental results show that the virtual human with empathy and humor can help students deal with negative emotions, enhance their motivation and make them willing to use the learning system. |