運研所自89年度開始發展結合地理資訊系統、衛星定位系統及影像攝錄等技術的公路基本資料調查系統,將公路實地攝影影像與公路基本資料做結合,以利資料管理、查詢及修改等作業。並自90年度起,採分年分期的方式進行省縣道路資料的調查工作,至93年度止已完成台灣西半部(北、中、南部)共約6,000公里的調查作業。本年度的調查工作,將使用現有的數位攝影機調查系統,完成前幾期未調查之省縣道路影像資料,目前規劃調查的路線長度約為2,300公里。在公路基本資料管理系統的維護方面,除整合歷年的調查資料外,並整合公路總局目前進行的公路普查資料,依使用單位之需求,修改內業資料維護管理系統,以進行使用推廣,期能發揮此系統之應用成效。 The basic roadway data management system was developed from 2000. This system includes the Geographic Information System (GIS), Global Position System (GPS) and roadway image collection device to maintain the roadside environment images and roadway inventory data. Based on this study, the storage of the roadway inventory data and the images of roadside environment of 6000 kilometers long provincial and county roadway in the northern Taiwan, central Taiwan and southern Taiwan were stored into the roadway inventory database in the following three years. The study of this year will use the digital video to investigate the other provincial and county roadway not in the past studies about 2300 kilometers. Another purpose of this study is to integrate the data of the past studies and the widespread roadside data of Directorate General of Highways. The management system will be redesigned and popularized to fit the user requirement. 研究期間:9503 ~ 9511