本計劃之主要目標即建立數值模型以模擬完整之海嘯生命週期,其包括海嘯之生成,傳播,淺化,破碎,上溯,及淹溢。不同之海嘯成因將會被探討,包括地震,海底火山爆發,以及海面下之山崩地滑。本計畫所建立之數值模型將應用於台灣島鄰近海域之海嘯模擬。其數值模型之建立將根據地物調查之調查結果與歷史上的紀錄。本計劃之長遠目標為研究海嘯與台灣島交互影響之基礎特性,以及台灣沿海之潛在洪泛區。 The primary objective of this project is to develop numerical models to simulate the complete life cycle of tsunamis, which includes generation, propagation, shoaling, breaking, run-ups, and inundations. Various sources of generation such as earthquakes, volcano erupts and submarine landslides will be studied. The models are then applied to simulating tsunamis around the Taiwan Island. Numerical models will be developed according to the findings of field surveys and historical records. Our ultimate objective is to examine the fundamental features of the tsunami wave interaction with the Taiwan Island and the potential coastal floods at different locations along the Taiwan coasts. 研究期間:9508 ~ 9607