從民國八十年代開啟的教育改革浪潮,深深地衝擊著國內教育生態,而國中小學教科書開放民間編輯更是其中的一項重大變革。在國民教育階段中,教科書所象徵的是基礎知識、情意與技能的傳授,但是就性質而言,教科書的產生,其背後所牽涉的影響因素包括政治、社會、經濟、法律以及倫理等複雜的層面。 尤其在教科書開放民間編輯後,教科書開始有了商品的性質,一個龐大的商業市場也因此產生,如此亦凸顯出從商業倫理面向探討教科書問題的重要性。審視過去十餘年來,在教科書選用的過程中,仍存在有政策制訂的公平合理性、書商間的競爭策略以及公平交易與消費者權益等問題。因此,本文藉由商業倫理與競爭理論的運用,針對上述問題加以分析探究,並引入整合社會契約論觀點,對現行的國小教科書選用制度,建立一套適切的倫理規範並提出相關建議,以期望能對健全當前國小教科書市場體制有所貢獻。 The wave of education reform in the 1990s deeply impacted the behavior of administrators in the schooling community. Among the measures taken during this period, the de-regulation of textbook system in compulsory education, namely elementary and junior high schools, is one of the key changes. As the choice of textbooks also dictates the impartation of foundation knowledge, sensational cognition and basic skills, this de-regulation measure has profound implications on politics, sociology, economy, law and even ethics. A greater influence can be foreseen when textbooks also fall prey to commercialization. Policy makers obviously encountered pointed attritions upon the balance of business competition, fair trade consideration, consumer protection and many other social values. This work bases its rationale on business ethics and commercial competition, and argues the whole idea of textbook system should center on the integrative social contract theory. Thus, the choice of textbooks must meet certain moral criteria and depart from pure market decisions. The claims raised and recommendations made in this work can bring health to or bulwark the already feeble textbook market mechanism, which has over the years overwhelmed many schools in Taiwan .