摘要: | SARCS(東南亞區域全球變遷研究委員會)成立於1993年,祕書處設於泰國曼谷。此委員會成立的主要目標,除了推動區域的全球變遷之研究、訓練及人才培育外,也包含了要促進區域環境變遷研究之合作,且致力於在國際性、區域性全變議題上能與區域內各國取得協週,同時資料與成果交換,提供科學証據給決策單位等任務也都是SARCS的任務之一。 SARCS目前由二個委員會組成,一個是RSC(Regional Scientific Committee),區域科學委員會,主席為本計畫主持人,前中大劉兆漢校長),另一個是RC(Regional Council,區域顧問委員會),未常設主席,由輪值主辦會議國的代表擔任會議主席),此兩個委員會負責領導SARCS,並負責評估SARCS內現進行的計畫,規畫新的科研計畫並具體推動落實。 SARCS於成立之後,即設有祕書處(Secretariat),此祕書處經我國數年來之大力爭取,已於2000年7月後起移設於我國中央大學,並由國科會國合處支援經費,目前整體SARCS祕書處之工作包含三大項,即(i)國際祕書處業務運作(ii)區域合作研究團隊之建立及實質合作之進行,已推動永續發展指標及區域碳循環的團隊,及(iii)區域人才培訓計畫。目前此申請計畫即為SARCS祕書處2007年的區域研究合作計畫。配合國際ESSP之重點,這兩年SARCS決定以積極推動區域碳及水循環。因此本年度的主題是第三期東南亞區域碳及水循環研究之合作。吾人擬由東南亞的國家評選出4-6個團隊,進行合作研究,初步規畫的內容包括了:(i)特徵及變異性,尤其是針對南海及周邊地區的區域碳及水循環變化;(ii)過程、控制因子及交互作用,尤其是碳與水循環及漁類生物的交互作用;(iii)影響碳及水循環軌跡之動力特性;(iv)以上改變對人文經社之影響等四個方向。 SARCS was established in 1993 with initial membership comprising of scientific and government representatives from Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, and Brunei Darussalam. Current membership has expanded to include representatives from Australia, Cambodia, Taiwan, and Vietnam. Committee members are Chairs of the National IGBP Committees and regional project leaders who are engaged in the following activities at national and regional levels. SARCS is now comprised of 2 committees (Regional Scientific Committee and Regional Council) that provide leadership to assess the progress of on-going activities, develop plans for future activities and guide the overall implementation process. The Secretariat serves as the administrative organ of SARCS. In April 2001, the SARCS Secretariat was relocated to the National Central University in Taiwan. The Secretariat』s functions include: Assist in the development and implementation of SARCS activities, and monitor related projects; Facilitate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Indicators Project; Expand the information dissemination role through maintaining the web page and SEA Disnet; Organize the SARCS Regional Scientific Committee and Regional Council meetings; Distribute relevant funding information and facilitate the submission of proposals by regional scientists. All of SARCS research activities are designed to contribute to the wider international objectives of the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme (IGBP), the International Human Dimensions for Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP), the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), and other collaborating international bodies, as well as to domestic policies on global environmental change. SARCS Secretariat will implemented three important functions, namely, (i) to maintain the routine operation to facilitate the information exchange in this region, (ii) to foster a regional oriented research team to conduct the global change research, (iii) to conduct capacity building programs through the training workshop, and sponsor meetings. The regional research topics conducted in the past two years were "Integrated Study of Sustainable Development Indicators for Southeast Asia.", and 「South China Sea regional Carbon Cycle Pilot Study」, and 「Biogenic and anthropogenic Emissions from South East Asia」. And this proposal is to request the funding for 2007, and the theme is」 Phase 3 of Southeast Asia regional Carbon and Water Cycles Study」. 研究期間:9601 ~ 9612 |