大腦科學與認知神經科學儼然已成為先進國家全民必備的知識。為協助我國中小學教師以及儲備教師具備更多與學習有關的認知神經科學知識,中央大學學習與教學研究所、台灣大學心理學系、政治大學心理學系、政治大學心智、大腦與學習中心以及台灣心理學會,獲得國科會科教處的補助,特於中華民國九十六年二月五日至九日舉辦第一梯次的「腦與教育」研習營。第一梯次的研習課程廣受好評,又礙於人數的限制,尚有許多教師學員想要參加卻無法報名。因此,再次籌畫第二梯次「腦與教育」研習營,希望讓更多需要的大腦科學新知的教師們受惠。為期四天的第二梯次「腦與教育」研習營課程緊湊,且十分切合教師的專業需求;我們的宗旨是強化教師的大腦神經科學素養,瞭解學習的腦神經基礎,並且在教學上得到助益,進而促使認知科學研究有更多的發展。 Brain science and cognitive neuroscience have become the essential knowledge of the world. To help the teachers of elementary and secondary schools to have more knowledge of cognitive neuroscience about learning, the 1st 「Brain and Education」 advanced education program was held on February 5th to 9th, 2007 by the team of 「Brain and Education」, including Graduate Institute of Learning and Instruction of National Central University, Department of Psychology of National Taiwan University, Department of Psychology of National Chinch University, Mind, Brain and Learning Center of Chinch University and Taiwanese Psychological Association. This advanced education program has gained many high appraisals from our participants, and many people were willing to join the program but have no chance. In order to help more people to learn the brain science about learning in this program, and then they can apply these knowledge on their teaching, the team of 「Brain and Education」 prepare to organize the 2nd 「Brain and Education」 advanced education program on July 4-7, 2007. We hope this program can help teachers of elementary and secondary schools in teaching, and inspire the researchers with more interesting topics of brain science and education. 研究期間:9605 ~ 9612