新竹科學工業園區的成功,儼然已成為另一項台灣經濟奇蹟,近年來更扮演著台灣經濟成長舉足輕重的角色。區內各項高科技產業由於其產業性質特殊,因此若一旦遭受強烈地震侵襲,所造成的損失將較一般普通產業更為嚴重,對於國家經濟也會造成極為慘重之損失。 有鑑於此,本研究試著考量高科技產業特性,從地震的角度針對全園區提供園區管理局震前相關預防工作及震後緊急應變與復舊處理措施之建議,主要目的有三大項,包含有: (一).提供新竹科學園區管理局震前相關準備工作之建議。 (二).建立新竹科學園區地震防災相關組織、權責與作業流程。 (三).建立新竹科學園區發生地震災變後的緊急處理方針及步驟。 期望經由本文提供之建言,讓園區管理局在震前能做好相關準備工作,當強震來襲時也能從容以對適當應變,進一步使得震後之搶救及復舊作業能早日完成,儘速恢復相關生產機能以降低災情。並希望能成為園區管理局日後建立地震緊急反應及復舊標準化程序、規範之參考。 The success of the Hsinchu Science Industrial Park has become an economic miracle, not only in Taiwan, but also around the world. It has been playing a decisive role in Taiwan economics in the recent years. Because of the nature specific characteristics of High Tech industry, the damages left behind would be much more serious in the Industrial Park than low tech industries if the Industrial Park encountered a big earthquake. Of cause, the economics of the whole country would have severe lose too. By that reason, this project is taking very serious consideration of the characteristic of high tech industry. From the perspective of earthquakes, I, hereby, provide some suggestions to the Hsinchu Science Park Administration, relevant preventive means as well as an emergency response plan and restoration plan