清代女性文學的發展盛況空前,最主要是受家族影響,本文以錢塘袁氏才女家族為討論中心,探討錢塘女性文學如何在家學的建構與傳承下展現出家族文化的性靈特色。 女性文學在清代家族中是一個發展的環節,家族培育女性的文學才能,顯現了家族在建構自我文化體系的過程。不論教育或文學表現,從姑母對袁枚乃至袁枚對妹妹或女孫輩的影響,都是一脈相承的連貫關係,故袁氏女性文學能夠各方面條件俱全的前提下,在隨園空間裡獲得家學良好的受學環境。對袁家三妹來說,生長於家庭,且立於家族文學的樞紐地位,她們在家學發展中所扮演的角色,特別是女孫輩展現了承接與新變的意義所在,值得作一個完整的背景探討。 家學建構與傳承有其家族背景淵源,對錢塘袁氏女性來說,隨園這個文化場域是別具特色的,對外有錢塘地域文化的繁榮與穩定,對內則有隨園空間所提供的文學環境,「隨園」二字包涵了實質的建築空間與內部進行的文學活動,特別是隨園內的美好山水風光,吸引了各方文人聚集觀賞並在此論詩之外,園林美景更滋養了袁氏女性的性靈細胞。因此,對袁氏女性文學而言,隨園的空間是家族親情、時代遞進、文化活動所建構下的文學空間,同時也是袁氏家學建構與傳承中的重要背景。 Influenced mainly by the family, the development of feminist literature reached the zenith in the Qing dynasty. This article, focusing on talented females in the Yuan family of Qiantang, discusses the spiritual characteristics of family culture evolved from the structure of family learning and heritage. Feminist literature was a link of family development in Qing dynasty: developing the literary talent of females was part of the process of a family’s construction of its own culture system. Whether in education or literary performance, the influence of aunt upon Yuan Mei, or that of Yuan Mei upon his sisters or granddaughters, came from the same context; the feminist literature of the Yuan family therefore could be developed in a well-catered learning environment. The three Yuan sisters were positioned in the center of the family literature. Their role in the development of family learning, and their female identity as the inheritor and developer of family culture are points which deserve full exploration. The construction of family learning and its inheritance were connected with the family background that was crucial to the Yuan females in Qiantang. To them, the culture zone of Suei garden was peculiar in the sense that outside it there was the prosperity and stability of the local culture in Qiantang, and inside a literature environment was provided. The title ‘Suei Garden’ included the architecture space and the inner literary activities: its beautiful scenery within attracted scholars to gather here and discuss poetry; it also nurtured the spirituality of the Yuan females. Therefore, in the context of the Yuan feminist literature, Suei Garden was the literature space built up by kinship, progress of age, and cultural activities. It was also the importance background in which the Yuan family learning and inheritance were constructed.