摘要: | 「司法」在台灣民主政治發展過程中扮演的角色愈來愈重要,但是社會大眾對其信賴程度卻不見提高,受到政府、政黨或人際關係影響法院法官獨立審判的質疑更是時有所聞。故本文嘗試以政治敏感度較高之賄選案件為研究標的,從制度面「政黨」與「司法程序」,以及文化面「關係背景」與「當選與否」等二面向、四因素,瞭解台灣司法賄選案件審判過程中,為何時常讓社會大眾產生「司法審判容易受到政治因素影響」之負面觀感?產生此一現象的可能原因?且這些觀感是否成立。本文定位為初探性研究,並採質化研究方式,以兩種方法、三個步驟,探討前述問題:首先,運用文獻分析法蒐集相關文獻及法院賄選判決,分析當今司法審判容易令人產生受到政治因素影響之可能原因;其次,透過深入訪談法瞭解「相對一般民眾更接近司法場域」之專家、學者,對於上述不公之觀感的看法,且以此些專業人士的相關實務經驗,檢證上述不公之觀感是否成立。最後,不論是透過賄選案件或司法實務運作進行分析,社會大眾認為司法審判經常受到政治因素影響之負面觀感不僅難以證立,且早期司法內部干擾法官獨立審判的機制業已隨著司法民主化而瓦解;惟此些負面觀感仍在,經分析乃是司法機制過度強調專業性與缺乏正當民主監督機制,造成社會對於司法體制的疏離感無法縮減。因此,本文認為司法改革不應僅注重法院本身,需突破此一限制,讓「法院審理案件程序透明化」增加民眾對於司法運作的瞭解,並以「司法行政的外部補助」和「審判體系的民主監督」為策略,以及「建立人民對法院的正確認知」提高民眾對於司法審判的信心,並從「內部民主化再思考」與「外部法治認知提升」分別進行。 Jurisdiction’s role has become increasingly important in the course of Taiwan’s development with respect to the democratic politics, but the reliability degree of the public to it does not promote quite a lot, frequently it is reported that the influences coming from government, political party or human relationship have affected the independent judgments of the judges in court. Therefore, the present study attempts to adopt those vote-buying cases with high sensitivity of politics as the research subject, in order to discover the possible root causes concerning why judgment is likely to be affected by political factors through two respective aspects and four factors, i.e. the systematic factors: “political party” and “judicial proceeding,” and the cultural ones: “relationship background” and “win of election”. This article is defined as a preliminary study and uses qualitative approach, through two methods plus three steps, to explore the foregoing issue: Firstly, to use a literature-analysis method to collect the relevant literatures and judgments of vote-buying cases from courts, thereby analyzing the most possible reasons that make people believe the current judgment is being influenced by political factors; next, by means of in-depth interview to understand the viewpoints of those experts, scholars “who are relatively more close to the juridical field than common people” with respect to the foregoing unfairness, and uses their relative practical experiences to verify such unfair impression. Finally, no matter through vote-buying cases or practical operations of justice, the analysis result can’t verify the negative impression of judgment affected by political factor; and the interruption mechanism in earlier judicial system has been collapsed as a result of the judicial democratization over the past years. However, through further analysis, such negative impression probably results from the over-emphasizing of specialization and the lack of supervising mechanism in judicial system, so as not to contract the gap between our society and judicial system. Hence, this study suggests that the judicial reform shall not solely focus on the court itself, it should facilitate the understanding of people to judicial operation by means of “transparent judicial procedures,” as well as the strategies of “external aid of judicial administration” and “democratic supervising on judgment system,” thereby promoting the confidence of people to judicial judgment through “the establishment of exact cognition of people to the court,” to further proceed from “review of internal democratization” and “cognitional promotion of external law and order” respectively. |