本研究擬從印尼商店背後所隱藏的「客家」族群身分,來探討1980年代後來台的客籍印尼華人所經營的印尼商店其族群產業、網絡與創業資源的背景為何。本研究有三個研究目的,一是以印尼商店的經營者為受訪對象,探討客籍印尼華人遷入台灣的過程、為何移民到台灣、如何接觸到印尼商店;二是客籍印尼華人如何創業與經營、是否形成所謂的族群產業經濟,印尼商店內部的族群網絡關係為何?最後,從這群客籍印尼華人移居到台灣的因素和適應歷程等,更可以進一步了解他們所創造屬於自己的「生存方式」,並正視與紀錄下移居到台灣的少數客籍印尼華人的移民歷史與文化背景。 This study aims at background of indonesia stores of ethnic group industry, internet and entrepreneurial resources of Hakka Indonesian Chinese that came to Taiwan after 1980 with hidden hakka identity behind indonesia stores. The three purposes include: 1) to discuss process of Hakka Indonesian Chinese came to Taiwan, why they immigrated to Taiwan and how they had contact with indonesian stores with interviews with operators of indonesian stores; 2) how Hakka Indonesian Chinese started and ran their businesses, if there was so-called ethnic group economy and what ethnic group network relation inside indonesian stores and 3) to better understand how they survive from the factors and process of adaptation in the process of Hakka Indonesian Chinese to Taiwan and to take a serious look at and record the immigration history and cultural background of the few Hakka Indonesian Chinese in Taiwan.