有關客家人的論述中,客家人經常被視為隱形的一群人。整體的面貌較其他族群模糊。許多客籍知識份子有感於客家認同逐漸流失,因此集合眾人之力在1987年成立《客家風雲雜誌》。 本文以《客家風雲雜誌》和《客家雜誌》做為研究對象,在主題類目的建構上主要分為五大類,分別是:地域類、血緣類、文化類、政治類以及社會類。在統計資料的處理上,採用次數分析,並計算其百分比進行分析、排序以及比較。為能釐清篇章內容與大環境的脈絡之關聯,研究取徑方面以內容分析法為主,因為雜誌內容可以傳遞社會脈動的訊息,從《客家風雲雜誌》和《客家雜誌》內容可觀看臺灣客家族群二十多年來語言文化傳承的歷程、客家認同的凝聚,客家族群在政治上的主張以及客家族群參與社會運動的過程。 研究結果發現,《客家風雲雜誌》和《客家雜誌》對於臺灣客家認同形成的客觀條件關注的程度,以「文化」類所佔的比例最高。「文化」類的次類目,如:語言、文化創意,皆為《客家風雲雜誌》到《客家雜誌》所關切的課題。《客家風雲雜誌》及《客家雜誌》關心的次要議題為「地域」類。可以發現客家族群處於臺灣獨特的時空、政經背景,逐步產生不同於原鄉的臺灣客家文化,並形成與其他地區截然不同的臺灣客家認同。在次類目的比重上,《客家風雲雜誌》及《客家雜誌》呈現臺灣客家認同形成之客觀條件前三大次類目為:「臺灣」、「政策」、「文化創意」,可說是《客家風雲雜誌》及《客家雜誌》多年來關注的焦點。 For discussion of Hakka people, the Hakka people are often seen as invisible group and blurred than other ethnic groups. Hakka people responding to a gradual loss of Hakka identity, gather everyone’s power to establish “Hakka Affair Monthly” in 1987. The research regard "Hakka Affair Monthly" and "Hakka Monthly" as research objects. The subjects are mainly divided into five categories: region, blood, culture, politics and social. Statistics are complied by quantified calculation, percentage, sort and comparison. Research approach is based on content analysis because the content of magazine can deliver the social message. According to "Hakka Affair Monthly" and "Hakka Monthly". We can see the progress of language and culture inheritance, Hakka identity cohesion, Hakka people's political ideas and Hakka community in the process of social movement. The findings of this study, Taiwan Hakka identity formation for the degree of attention. "Culture" category have the highest proportion. The sub-category of "Culture", Such as: language, culture creativity, are all "Hakka Affair Monthly" and "Hakka Monthly" issues of concern. Minor topics concerned for "region" category. Hakka people in Taiwan can find unique time and space, political and economic background, gradually produce the Taiwan Hakka culture and identity that rather different from the homeland. The most proportion in the sub category are Taiwan, policy and cultural creativity that "Hakka Affair Magazine" and "Hakka Magazine" presents the formation of Taiwan Hakka identity over the years.