提出設計一款數位望遠鏡系統,望遠鏡與數位相機成像系統能單獨使用外,也能組合成數位望遠鏡。在望遠鏡系統中分別對物鏡與目鏡分開設計,利用近軸理論與實際的設計差異,使系統有效的縮小40%,再利用幾何求出稜鏡的折射率及合宜的稜鏡尺寸,最後將物鏡與目鏡組合成為望遠鏡組。而數位相機成像系統,是依據望遠鏡的目鏡出射角度及出瞳位置及大小分別為數位相機入射角度及入瞳位置及大小,再將完成的數位相機鏡組與望遠鏡組合成數位望遠鏡。設計過程中像差的疊加也加入考量,最後設計完成後進行公差的分析確保其量產化。 Digital telescope system consists of digital camera and telescope has been presented in this research. The telescope and digital camera can be also operated separately. The objective lens and eyepiece were designed individually considering paraxial theory and the physical feasibility to reduce the system length for 40%. Furthermore, the appropriate geometry of prism size and the refractive index were also been calculated. Then, the objective lens and eyepieces are combined to be a telescope system. The design of the digital camera system is according to the matching of the exit pupil of the telescope and the entrance pupil, angle, position and size of the digital camera. Then the digital camera and telescope are combined to be a digital telescope. Moreover, the accumulation aberration of the system has been also been considered. Finally, the tolerance was analyzed to ensure the productivity.