配電系統中會廣泛使用的高壓電纜接頭業雖屬較為冷門產業,但卻是與人類 的生活息息相關的配電零件。台灣電力公司承攬全國的發電、輸電、配電等系統 業務。高壓電纜接頭在配電系統中佔有重要環節,本研究希望能夠提供給台電「 配電系統單位」在選取合適的高壓電纜接頭供應商時,作為一個客觀的參考依據。 本研究使用深度訪談法(In-depth Interviews)與層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)。研究的過程首先使用深度訪談法(In-depth Interviews),結合專家的看法及意見,再進一步建構一套適合配電系統之高壓電 纜接頭供應商使用的標的與準則(要素),然後藉由層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)決定各個標的和準則(要素)的權重,最後決定供應商 評選時各個準則(要素)的先後順序及重要性。 研究結果,可以得出電力公司在選取配電系統之高壓電纜接頭的供應商時, 其主要準則(要素)依其重要性排列如下: 產品檢測能力21.33% 台電查廠及驗收19.01% 供應鏈整合11.26% 國際認證9.16% 符合交貨規範 8.72% 產能配合度4.98% 由此可以建構一套專供配電系統之高壓電纜接頭產品在選擇或是評核供應商的 依據,也可以提供給其它國家的配電系統廠商,一個合適的高壓電纜接頭供應商評 選模型,一方面可以評價供應商的能力,亦可加速配電系統廠商開發新供應商的速度。 The high voltage cable accessories in power distribution system are widely used in modern world, although they are not as well known as consumer electronics. In Taiwan, Taiwan Power Company (Tai Power) is the monopoly power company that provides power generation, transmission and distribution. Since high voltage cable accessories are the key components in Tai Power system. This research is to discuss how to objectively source and qualify cable accessories from various vendors in the market. This research is using In-depth Interviews and Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP. In the beginning of this research, the “In-depth interview” is applied by summarizing opinions from professional, and then determines the priority and severity by weighting each principle (element). The research result shows, the basic principles is listed by order of importance: Product Testing Capability 21.33% Tai Power Qualification19.01% Supply Chain Integration 11.26% Certification 9.16% Meeting the product spec 8.72% Support of Delivery 4.98% This model of collecting information as the references of choosing vendors can also be referred by any power system companies in countries other than Taiwan. A proper vendor selection model can not only verify the vendor capability but also increase the efficiency of developing new suppliers of in power system business.