這一波由美國次級房貸所引發的金融海嘯,對各國的產業影響重大,以半導體產業為例,從上游的IC設計、晶圓代工、封裝測試等各個環節的廠商都受到嚴重的衝擊,越在供應鏈末端的製造廠商在這次危機中皆面臨著發生在供應鏈中不可避免的長鞭效應,因為在金融風暴的期間,消費者的購買意願降低,所以IC設計廠商為了減少庫存,造成晶圓代工製造廠、封裝測試等訂單更是大幅減少,使得供應鏈的變異提高。 本研究的貢獻是提供企業在景氣蕭條時期建議和方法以消除或降低在半導體供應鏈中所產生的長鞭效應,並以SWOT和五力分析的方式來說明企業的優劣面和所面臨的威脅和可能發展的機會,找尋適合本身體質的競爭策略,並發展客戶管理結合電子商務方式,以在產業取得領先,佔有一席之地。 The economic downturn has brought a lot of turmoil in every industry around the world. In Taiwan’s semiconductor industry, there’s serious impact on IC design house, foundry service, assembly and testing house. In this semiconductor supply chain, every firm faces an unavoidable bullwhip effect. Because the demand of consumer product is low, the firm in the lower stream of the supply chain cuts the orders to the foundry service. The variance of order is huge and the bullwhip effect is significant when the firm is in the upper stream of the supply. The purpose of this study is to provide the suggestions to eliminate the impact of bullwhip effect during the recession. By using the technique of SWOT and five force analyses, the company can find the best strategy to stake out a position in the industry. Also, to have the knowledge of company’s capability and of the causes of competitive forces will emphasize the areas where the company should confront competition and where should avoid it. Furthermore, developing e-commerce to enhance the customer relationship management increase the potential benefits for the firm and the customer.