台灣地區因自然條件特殊,雨季期間經常受颱風或豪雨影響而釀災,尤其山區容易因為旺盛的降雨量而發生淹水、崩塌、土石流及堰塞湖,造成民眾生命財產飽受威脅;過去已廣泛應用的衛星遙測方法大都以光學衛星為主,然而該光學影像因容易受氣候因素與雲霧覆蓋影響,常造成災情監控工作執行上的限制。對天然災害防救工作而言,除了強化預防災害發生的防災整備工作外,如何迅速取得即時災情資訊(如災害時間、地點與範圍等),以輔助防救災應變與決策工作也十分重要。因此,進行雷達影像技術應用於坡地災害監測效能之評估及發展,以提升水土保持局坡地防災應變能力,並做為未來坡地災害警戒工作及擬定防災應變措施之參據。 Taiwan is located west of Pacific Ocean and the boundary of Eurasian Plate and Philippine Sea Plat in a complex tectonic area. The environment of complex and instable tectonic geology makes Taiwan is a mountainous country. Further, climate is marine tropical, where is often attacked by tropical cyclone and heavy rainfall. Therefore, Taiwan often occur natural hazards as flooding, landslide, debris flow or landslide lake. The Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is an active and all-weather system. Routine repeat-pass SAR observations could well detect the more rapid environmental changes and hazard information. The study will survey the recently SAR systems and provide the monitoring suggestion. In the meantime, the project will take spaceborne SAR imagery on the test site to evaluate the capabilities. In future, these will helpful to improve the efficiency of slopeland hazard observation and assistance of natural disaster reduction. . 研究期間:9906 ~ 9912