本計畫以光譜學方法研究大氣化學與材料科學上重要氣態與固態分子之結構與光化學。我們已成功利用光譜學方法研究溴化甲烷(bromomethanes)的多光子光解(multiphoton photolysis)反應機構,將進一步研究更複雜的分子系統如碘化甲烷(iodomethanes)類分子之光化學。此外,由於完成之鹵化亞甲基(halocarbenes)分子與GeCl2電子光譜,仍有一些結構問題尚待釐清,本計畫將擴展此研究繼續深入探討此類分子尚未解決之問題如CCl2、CBr2單三重態能量間距,甚至研究CI2與其他一些三原子自由基如GeBr2、GeI2、及(GeCl2)2之電子光譜學。本實驗室已建立之技術如雷射螢光分光(laser-induced dispersed fluorescence)光譜外,我們將發展雙光子共振(double resonance)光譜學技術來取得新的分子光譜以解釋此類分子之複雜光譜行為,進一步擴展其應用至反應動力學和動態學。而在固態分子上,將著重於含三價鑭系離子(trivalent lanthanide ions)之晶體光譜分析外,更將進一步研究此類固體分子內之能量轉移(energy transfer)現象以進一步瞭解其結構,並可應用於顯示器科技與太陽能電池技術。我們也將繼續探討金屬奈米粒子(metal nanoparticles)之相關光譜學如拉曼光譜(Raman spectra)之研究與應用。這些固態分子的光譜學可以有效用於決定固態材料內的分子結構。我們將擴大與其他領域之合作,以群體之力量來共同研究這些分子在材料化學上之應用。目前已有令人相當滿意的初步成果,如蒙補助採購必要的設備,將來應有相當豐碩的成果。 This proposal aims to employ spectroscopic methods for studying the molecular structure and photochemistry of gaseous and solid-state molecules that play a key role in atmospheric chemistry or in materials science. On the basis of the spectroscopy techniques developed in our laboratory, we have successfully investigated the multiphoton photolysis reactions of bromomethanes (CHBr3, CHBr2Cl, CHBrCl2, and CH2Br2) at near-ultraviolet wavelengths, and will extend this study to more complicated systems such as iodomethanes (CHI3, CH2I2, and CH3I). In addition to the photochemistry of halomethanes, the electronic spectroscopy of triatomic free radicals is still of interest. Our group has studied the dispersed fluorescence spectroscopy of simple halocarbenes (CHX and CX2, X= Cl, Br) and GeCl2, but there still remain some unresolved issues such as the accurate singlet-triplet energy gap in CCl2 and that in CBr2. This proposal will continue this study and will study the electronic spectroscopy of other triatomic radicals related to semi-conductor manufacturing such as GeBr2, GeI2, and (GeCl2)2 van der Waals dimer. To unravel more detailed structure of these complicated triatomic radicals, double resonance (DR) experiment will be developed to record new electronic spectra of the interested molecules. The new spectroscopic data will benefit our basic understanding of molecular spectroscopy as well as the related chemical kinetics and dynamics. We are also interested in the spectroscopy of sold-state molecules including crystals containing trivalent lanthanide ions and metal nanoparticles. More than the well-developed excitation and photoluminescence spectroscopy techniques, we plan to apply these techniques to investigate the energy transfer processes such as up-conversion and second-harmonic generation (SHG) of crystals. The spectroscopic application on metal nanoparticles such as Raman spectra will be in continuous collaboration with other groups to explore possible applications of these molecules in materials science. If this proposal is supported, fruitful results could be expected in near future. 研究期間:9908 ~ 10007