摘要: | 在先進製程下,數位電路隨著EDA工具的發展,通常只需適時更新電路的資料庫便可將現有電路直接套用,大大降低設計者重新設計的困擾。但在類比電路設計,現行EDA工具卻仍無法完全支援,乃因當製程scale down時,其類比電路的電氣特性會完全不同,故往往現有電路在套用先進製程時都必須重新去設計,也因此增加了設計上的成本,若能將類比電路的設計,進立一套可遵行的模式,一方面方便設計者於GUI介面操作便可完成類比電路的設計,另一方面於製程的演進下,也可降低其設計的複雜度。此三年計劃中,將發展混合訊號電路設計及設計自動化技術,預計針對類比電路,如OP放大器、鎖相迴路,做先期技術與架構的探討。然後將傳統混合訊號電路流程導入具有自動化設計的觀念,簡化混合訊號電路設計的流程,進而提升IP設計、生產之效率及良率。並且在後期將針對穩壓器的電路做論文之研究與架構的探討,建立設計流程。在第一年將分析與探討混合訊號OP放大器並完成其演算法與自動化之設計,此外將針對鎖相迴路做研究與探討,並對其架構做分類整理。第二年將針對鎖相迴路做電路設計,並將其電路建立演算法做自動化的設計,此外會對OP放大器做PVT的研究與探討。第三年,將分析鎖相迴路電路對PVT的敏感度及探討其參數限度對電路的影響,實現具高可靠性之電路,並考慮製程偏移對佈局的影響,實現對製程高容忍度之佈局電路。並且將自動化設計完成之電路作晶片下線,並經過量測來驗證所設計之電路。 In advance technology, digital circuits usually only need to update database by EDA tools. It can replace the circuit under advance technology. This way reduces redesigning problems by designers. However, EDA tools can not supple support under analog circuit designed. Because the technology scale down, the difference electric characteristics in analog circuit. Therefore, the analog circuits need to redesign in advance technology. It will increase cost in designed. Analog circuit designs can build in a design flow. The designers can use GUI view to finish analog design. It can also decrease the complication. In the proposal, the mixed signal circuit design and design automation will be developed. The analog circuit, for example, OP-AMP and phase-locked loop, will be discussed in technique and architecture. The conventional mixed signal circuit design flow will be built in automatic design, to simplify mixed signal design flow. Therefore, it can increase the IP design, produce and efficient. In the later, the regulator circuits will be discuss, and built in design flow. In the first year, the OP-AMP will be research, and the automation design of OP-AMP will be finish. The phase-locked loop will be research and category. In the second year, phase-locked loop will be designed, and be built in their design automatic. The PVT tolerance will be research and discussed in OP-AMP. In the third year, the PVT sensitive and parameters tolerance of phase-locked loop will be discussed. Therefore, the high reliability circuit will be designed. The process variation to the layout effect will also discuss, and implement the high tolerance layout circuit. Finally, the automation design circuit will tape out, and verify by measuring circuit. 研究期間:9908 ~ 10007 |