摘要: | 因應全球節能減碳之要求,近年來各級政府均致力於發展大眾運輸系統,偏遠地區的大眾運輸系統常因需求不高,如仍採用傳統式公車,以固定路線、固定班次方式提供服務,不但會使業者入不敷出,亦無法提供足夠之班次,造成民眾使用不便,使用意願益形低落。目前政府雖有營運虧損補貼,卻無法有效改善服務績效,使偏遠地區大眾運輸經營環境陷入惡性循環中。 為解決偏遠地區大眾運輸服務之困境,必須發展新的運輸經營模式(business model),有鑑於此,本研究特配合桃園縣政府之計畫,延用國外行之有年之需求反應式大眾運輸系統(Demand Responsive Transit System, DRTS),以桃園縣復興鄉為對象,進行個案分析。DRTS係介於傳統公車與計程車兩種運具間之準大眾運輸服務系統,可提供使用者更便利的及門服務,使營運更具彈性與競爭力。DRTS成功的主要關鍵之ㄧ在票價是否合理,且能為民眾所接受。由於目前國內尚無相關實例可供參考,因此票價的訂定可參考當地民眾之願付價格。本研究即根據此一原則,透過問卷調查方式,分析復興鄉鄉民對DRTS接受之意願及願付價格,作為未來訂定DRTS票價之參考。 本研究共計蒐集到551份有效問卷。為了探討消費者的願付價格,本研究乃利用條件評估法詢價,並應用多元迴歸分析來建構願付價格的出價模型。研究結果發現年齡、職業、平均月收入、搭乘公車次數及旅行距離5項因素對願付價格具有顯著影響。推估復興鄉內不同起迄點之願付價格,其中旅行距離最短者為0.8公里,最長者為61公里,其願付價格分別為14及154元。 為使願付價格更易運用,最後參考行政院主計處的「九十八年家庭收支調查報告」資料,探討票價的訂定,並分析政府補貼金額與票價的關係及每年每戶交通費占所得比例與票價的關係。 In recent years, governments have been devoting to the development of public transportation systemsforenergy-saving and carbon-reduction.In remote areas where the demand for a public transportation system is not high, if a traditional bus at fixedfrequency and routeis still adopted, the bus company may experience financial loss; if service is curtailed,it will further reduce the willingness of people to take the bus. At present, although many governments subsidize bus companies, their service performance continues to lack improvement,creating a vicious cyclein the operating environment. In order to solvethe difficulties of public transportation service in remote areas, a new business model must be developed. This research focuses on a project of Taoyuan County Government, adopting the “Demand Responsive Transit System, DRTS”, which has been used for many years overseas, and using Taoyuan County, Fu-Hsing Townshipas the research subject to perform the case study. DRTS is a para-public transportationsystem combining traditional bus as well as taxi service that can offer users greater convenience and door to door service with more flexibility and competitiveness. One of thsuccessful keyof DRTS is the reasonable fare,which is highly acceptableto the people. Since there is no practical example to refer to at present, the determination of farecan refer to the willingness to pay on the part of local residents. The use of this principle and a questionnaire to analyze the willingness of local residents to pay for DRTS can provide suggestions for setting the fare of the DRTS in the future. This research collected 551 effective questionnaires.In order to estimate the willingnessto pay of local resident, this study constructed aWTP Model, in which Contingent Valuation Method and MultipleRegression Analysis Method are used. The results showed that age, profession, average monthly income, frequency of travelling by bus, and travel distance all affect the willingness to pay.Having calculated the willingness to pay for different distances in Fu-Hsing Township, the results show the following figures:NTD 14 for a minimum distance of 0.8 km and NTD 154 for the maximum distance of 61 km. For easy application, the study refers to the “REPORT ON THE SURVEY OF FAMILYINCOME AND EXPENDITURE, 2009” prepared by the DGBAS, to explore the determination of fare, as well as to analyze the relationships of subsidy versus fare, and the ratio of transport expense against income per household per year versus fare. |