論 文 提 要 蒙元政權的建立,使得士人直接面臨兩大挑戰,第一是華夷文化的衝擊,第二則是科舉的中輟。尤其元代中葉以後,天災、人禍頻仍,劉福通、方國珍、張士誠、陳友諒等群雄乘勢蜂湧而起。面臨群雄爭相徵辟士人入幕,士人該如何與新政權建立合作關係,以確立儒家政治理念的落實與士人身分的實踐,是相當有趣的課題。 本論文針對朱元璋的文人幕僚在入幕前的學經歷背景以及對朱元璋建立明朝的貢獻與影響提出研究。從整理的史籍中可知,隨著朱元璋的軍事發展,朱元璋積極吸收當地人才以為己用,用以充實幕府,並吸收地方資訊。 朱元璋的文人幕僚無論在軍事謀畫、供應糧餉、治理地方、興學施教、制訂典章制度、延續儒家學術等各方面,都克盡己力,協助朱元璋建立文治政府。不但使朱元璋在擴大勢力時,並逐漸朝成就「帝業」發展。天下百姓亦得以從中獲得安身立命、休養生息,不再飽受戰火的生活,這些文人幕僚貢獻實鉅。 Abstract The establishment of the Yuan Dynasty brought Chinese traditional literati two challenges: one is the culture shock from Mongolian and the other is the cease of imperial examination. Since the middle of Yuan, droves of armed insurrectionists from different camps had risen against the ruler due to continual disasters and wars. It is interesting to study the subject how the literati assisted insurrectionists in founding a new regime and regained the political position of Confucian. In this paper, a research on the background and contribution of the intelligentsia & literati, who supported Zhu Yuanzhang to establish Ming Dynasty in the late of Yuan, is presented. Meanwhile, by investigating the history, it reveals that with the military activity, Zhu Yuanzhang aggressively engaged the local literati to join his camp in order to enlarge his power base and gather the information. The above-mentioned intelligentsia & literati offered Zhu Yuanzhang a great effort on political, military, educational and institutional developments. It enabled Zhu Yuanzhang to concentrate on expanding his territory and establishing Ming Dynasty. Based on the support of these intelligentsia & literati, the continual wars from the late of Yuan were put to an end, and people resumed their lost peace.