液體平衡環為懸吊式單槽洗衣機受偏心負載下,主要減振裝置之一,其內部有填充液及隔板等所構成。因此,本論文使用ANSYS CFX 12.1模擬固定填充液下單水道平衡環內隔板數目、隔板角度及雙水道平衡環隔板開口位置等三項參數,探討填充液之分佈、速度及對壁面產生的壓力。首先以牛頓第二運動定律推導出系統的方程式,計算出平衡環設計值,並將值設定於CFD。本模擬結果顯示偏心負載與平衡填充液間相位差180°及平衡環內存有適當的隔板數量,可避免填充液聚集於一側。雙水道平衡環比單水道平衡環更有效抑制填充液過度的聚集。 This thesis investigates the dynamic characteristics of a liquid balancer designed for vibration control of the washing machine. Numerical method CFD (ANSYS CFX 12.1) is chosen to calculate the numerical results for various numbers of ribs, the rib angle in the one-race liquid balancer, and the gap position of the two-race liquid balancer. In the operation condition, the simulation results show that the unbalance mass and the fill fluid are always out of phase. The design with several ribs can prevent the fill fluid gathering to one side in the liquid balancer. The two race liquid balancer is proven better then the one-race liquid balancer in dispersing the fill fluid.